Iron Ref
This is the site for the Iron Ref GMing competition, to be run at Gencon
More details will be available in the future. However, in short, here is how Iron Ref works:
- Players signing up for the Contestant version of the event compete, by
improvising (in no more than an hour) and running a 1.5 hour game for two sets of players around a surprise theme, and are then judged on their efforts by their players. The Contestant (Ref) with the highest score will win.
- Players signing up for the Judge version of the event are judges --
they will play in two unique and original games by different constestants, and
then have an opportunity to judge their Ref.
- Contestants (Refs) may use any system they wish, and may bring prepared materials...but should remember that their use of and creativity in using the theme will be a major part of their score, and that if the players are unfamiliar with the chosen system, or it is too involved, this may end up making it harder to stay within the specified running time. They may also not bring a completed
scenario (of course), but bringing maps, pre-written characters, traps, etc, is just fine.
For more information, contact the event organizers:
Agent Mneme and Doctor Cthulhupunk