Benefits and Drawbacks marked with WTR are from The Watchtower Report. The others are from the Core Rulebook.
- Add (Drawback)
- For Leads: Add throws a die into the Trouble pool after the current roll is resolved.
- For Features: Watchtower spends a die out of Trouble to activate the trigger's benefit.
- Boost (Benefit, WTR)
- Boost allows the character to step up a certain Trait; each use of the trigger modifies the Trait by one step. It only apply to a handful of Traits or a Heritage's connected Abilities; the affected Traits are listed in the trigger. This modification lasts through the end of the episode, although Leads and Features can attempt to reverse the effects with a Test or Contest. Leads never begin an episode with a Boosted Trait.
- Choose (Drawback)
- Choose requires your Lead to do something unfortunate or unhelpful. (Keep in mind that this is the player choosing, not necessarily the character. --- AJG)
- Decrease (Benefit)
- Decrease allows you to step back the largest die in your opponent's Stress pool before it's rolled to determine the Stress your opponent inflicts in a Contest or Test. This Decrease is typically limited to two types of Stress. If you step back a d4, you remove it completely from the pool.
- Earn (Benefit)
- Earn gives a player a Plot Point from the general pool. Usually this player is you; however, you might have a Distinction that gives Plot Points to other players. If this happens, the Plot Point comes from the general pool, not your own.
- For Features: As for Leads, or if the Watchtower wants, instead of claiming a Plot Point for an Earn trigger, Watchtower can ask the players if anyone wants to buy the trigger's drawback. Any player can spend the Plot Point to make the trigger happen.
- Exacerbate (Drawback WTR)
- Exacerbate steps up a Stress Trait. This drawback works on two kinds of Stress, which must be listed in the trigger. It only affects the Lead or Feature who has the Distinction; for harming others, see Increase. Each use of the trigger steps up the Stress Trait by one. If you don't currently have any of the appropriate Stress, you pick up a d4 Stress Trait of that type. This is basically the "affects self" version of Increase.
- Gain (Benefit)
- Gain gives you a temporary Relationship or Resource (an Extra or a Location). These work like any other Relationship or Resource but they last one scene at a specific die rating, then drop down to d4, and don't recover their dice when they're used up.
- Give (Drawback)
- Give directs you to give a die to your opposition, whether it's another Lead, a Feature, or even an Extra or Trouble. This die is the equivalent of a Useful Feature, so it sticks around at least until the end of the Contest.
- Grant (Benefit WTR)
- Grant allows you to give another Lead or Feature a Trait from your Lead sheet, usually the same Distinction that includes the Grant. This Trait is temporary and will be removed from the target character's sheet at the end of the episode. It's basically the same as the Gain benefit; it just works on others instead of the Lead or Feature who has it.
- Increase (Benefit)
- Increase allows you to step up the smallest die in your Stress pool before you roll to determine the Stress you inflict in a Contest. As with Decrease, this is limited to two types of Stress. If your smallest die is a d12, add a d4 to the pool instead.
- Recover (Benefit)
- Recover lets you reduce Stress Traits you already have or eliminate them completely, depending on your Distinction's die rating: If your Distinction's die rating is greater than the Stress die rating, the Stress is eliminated; erase it from your Lead sheet. If your Distinction's die rating is equal to or less than the Stress die rating, this benefit steps back your Stress by one.
- Reduce (Drawback, WTR)
- Reduce requires the character to step back a certain Trait; each use of the trigger modifies the Trait by one step. It only apply to a handful of Traits or a Heritage's connected Abilities; the affected Traits are listed in the trigger. This modification lasts through the end of the episode, although Leads and Features can attempt to reverse the effects with a Test or Contest. Leads never begin an episode with a Reduced Trait.
- Reroll (Benefit)
- Reroll allows you to roll one die again for certain kinds of tasks. Rerolls can't be used on dice that rolled 1, and you may never reroll a die more than once.
- Reveal (Benefit)
- Reveal allows you to dictate a fact about the story. However, what you can add into the story needs to be very strictly defined, such as "I own one of those" or "Expert on speed dial." (I think the idea here is that the story fact is useful in some way; the player should not be restricted to just trivial color. --- AJG)
- Shift (Benefit WTR)
- The Shift benefit allows the Lead or Feature to move die steps from one Stress Trait to another. The trigger must state which two kinds of Stress the steps can be shifted away from and which one Stress the steps can be shifted into. This trigger is an all-or-nothing proposition, moving all die steps in the first Stress into the second Stress. If this would put the second Stress higher than d12, the trigger just doesn't work.
- Shutdown (Drawback)
- Shutdown makes a certain set of Traits unusable.
- Spend (Drawback)
- Spend costs a Plot Point to use.
- For Features: Whenever a Feature's sheet calls for Watchtower to spend a Plot Point, that Plot Point goes to the player who is affected by the action. If the action affects more than one player, Watchtower gives a Plot Point to each affected player.
- Use (Benefit WTR)
- The Use benefit allows you to use the Special Effects of a short list of Abilities as if you had them on your Lead sheet. This always costs a Plot Point in addition to whatever drawback the benefit is paired to. This benefit is already common among Heritage Distinctions; classifying it as a benefit is just a formal way of addressing its appearance in those Heritages in the Smallville RPG.
Earn a Plot Point
These Distinctions allow the character to Earn a Plot Point for doing something. The list doesn't include Heritages.
- Attractive: Earn a Plot Point when your looks draw you unwanted attention.
- Big-Hearted: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to buy somebody's sob story.
- Clever: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to show off your smarts in some annoying or frustrating manner.
- Extraterrestrial Knowledge: Earn a Plot Point when you Reveal you know way too much about an alien culture.
- Family Reputation: Earn a Plot Point and Give your opposition a d6 when your family reputation precedes you.
- Fast Talker: Earn a Plot Point an Give your opposition a d6 when you're caught in a lie or exaggeration.
- Gearhead: Earn a Plot Point when you inconveniently Choose to buy stop and admire fine technology.
- Guilty: Earn a Plot Point and Give your opposition a d6 when your guilt stymies or confuses you.
- Heroic Reputation: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to protect your secret identity at the cost of lying to your friends or not using your reputation toward your goals.
- Impulsive: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you act rashly.
- In Over My Head: Earn a Plot Point and Add d6 to Trouble when you get into trouble over your head.
- Investigator: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to spend a scene investigating instead of taking immediate action.
- Manipulative: Earn a Plot Point and Give your opposition a d6 when you ask them to trust you, even if you don't mean it.
- Marksman: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to run out of ammunition.
- Military Brat: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to have your military knowledge get you in trouble.
- Not Born Yesterday: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to buy a reasonable lie.
- On a Mission: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you foolishly pursue your mission despite the risk.
- Right Place, Right Time: Earn a Plot Point and Give your opposition a d6 when somebody confronts you about your presence somewhere off-limits, secret, or prohibited.
- Savage: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble whenever you act upon your base instincts.
- Shameless Flirt: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you flirt with someone you know you shouldn't.
- Smartass: Earn a Plot Point and Give your opposition a d6 when you're being a Smartass in a dangerous situation.
- Soldier: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to follow orders, stick to protocol, or maintain strict discipline when it would benefit you more to do otherwise.
- Willful: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you put your foot down.
- Athletic: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to use brute force instead of finesse.
- Big-Hearted: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to the Trouble pool when you risk yourself to help somebody in need.
- Genius: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you assume others can't follow your complicated thinking.
- Impulsive: Earn a Plot Point when you Choose to Interfere in a Contest.
- Likeable: Earn a Plot Point when you Decrease your own Afraid or Insecure Stress pool -- you don't really mean to upset anyone!
- Not Born Yesterday: Earn a Plot Point and Give your opposition a d6 when confronted with a problem that defies normal common sense or logic.
- Big Brother/Big Sister: Earn a Plot Point when you to disable or dismantle your existing surveillance of or files on a Lead or Feature.
- Clever: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when your clever plan goes off the tracks.
- Guilty: Earn a Plot Point to Increase your opposition's Injured or Insecure Stress pool against you.
- On a Mission: Earn a Plot Point and Increase your opponent's Insecure or Angry Stress pool against you when you try to recruit others to your cause.
Spend a Plot Point
These Distinctions (not including Heritages) allow you to Spend a Plot Point to do something useful.
- Athletic: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in any Athletic roll.
- Connected: Spend a Plot Point to Gain a d8 Relationship with a Feature for the rest of the scene.
- Genius: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you've studied a subject and know its basics.
- Martial Artist: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die when you redirect an opponent's momentum.
- Sneaky: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll any die in a Sneaky roll.
- Wealthy: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll one die in a Contest or Test swayable by money.
- Weapons Master: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opponent's Injured or Afraid Stress pool against you when you're armed.
- Agile: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opponent's Injured or Exhausted Stress pool.
- Attractive: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in an Attractive roll.
- Backhanded: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease another Lead or Feature's Angry or Insecure Stress pool against you or another character.
- Clever: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you know a piece of useful trivia.
- Connected: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal you “know a guy” who can provide you with information or material goods.
- Extraterrestrial Knowledge: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in any roll associated with understanding alien cultures.
- Fixer: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal you "know a guy."
- Gearhead: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal information about a car or other non-unique tech.
- Guilty: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die on any roll when trying to make amends.
- Hacker: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal a fact about security holes or other exploitable weaknesses in the target of your hacking.
- Investigator: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll an Investigator Investigation roll.
- Manipulative: Spend a Plot Point to Gain a d8 Relationship for one scene with a Feature with whom you don't already have a Relationship.
- Marksman: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in a Marksman roll.
- Martial Artist: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opponent's Injured or Exhausted Stress pool.
- Mastermind: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you've planned for this eventuality and have the resources necessary for your plan.
- Military Brat: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die when you call in a favor to get you out of trouble.
- Observant: Spend a Plot Point and Reroll a die in an Observant roll when you're sure there's more than meets the eye.
- On a Mission: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in a roll that directly contributes to your mission.
- Shameless Flirt: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal a new facet of your "worldly and cosmopolitan life" as a d8 Useful Detail.
- Soldier: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll any die in a Soldier roll because of your discipline and training.
- Wealthy: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you own a large non-unique item such as a car, call center, or evil corporation as a d8 Useful Detail.
- Weapons Master: Spend a Plot Point to Increase your Injured or Afraid Stress pool when you're armed.
- Connected: Spend a Plot Point to Gain a 2d8 Location that you'd normally not have access to.
- Cosmopolitan: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you have spent time in a foreign (but terrestrial) culture.
- Daring: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opponent's Injured or Insecure Stress pool.
- Fast Talker: Spend a Plot Point to Gain a 2d8 Extra that you have already fast-talked into giving you assistance.
- Gearhead: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die when using or repairing anything mechanical.
- Genius: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll any academic or intellectual roll.
- Heroic Reputation: Spend a Plot Point to Gain a 2d8 Extra for the rest of the scene (a devoted fan!).
- Impulsive: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die when acting first would work to your advantage.
- Investigator: Spend a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble to Reveal a clue from a prior scene in which you Chose to investigate.
- Likeable: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in an argument with someone that likes you.
- Manipulative: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in a Contest with someone you've been manipulating.
- Martial Artist: Spend a Plot Point to Increase your Injured or Exhausted Stress pool.
- Mastermind: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die when your plan comes to fruition.
- Not Born Yesterday: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in a Contest or Test when you're convinced you're being lied to, swindled, or distracted.
- Observant: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opposition's Insecure or Angry Stress pool against you as a result of your damning evidence.
- Savage: Spend a Plot Point when you draw on your primal rage to Recover your own Injured or Afraid Stress.
- Shameless Flirt: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll any die in a Shameless Flirt roll.
- Smartass: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll any die involving your verbal taunts and insults.
- Sneaky: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you've palmed a small object from a previous scene.
- Vicious: Spend a Plot Point to Increase your Injured or Afraid Stress pool. You can combine this with the d4 trigger to Increase two dice in your Afraid Stress pool.
- Weapons Master: Spend a Plot Point to make a wild, sweeping attack with your weapon. Roll your own dice instead of Trouble in a Test that each affected character must beat to avoid taking Exhausted or Injured Stress.
- Willful: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opponent's Insecure or Afraid Stress pool against you. You're a hard nut to crack.
There are a whole lot of Distinctions that Earn Plot Points at the d4 level, but not many that let you Spend them at that level.
There are three Distinctions --- Connected, Martial Artist, and Weapons Master --- where all three triggers (d4, d8, and d12) are Spend triggers. If you take one of those, make sure you've got a way to Earn those Plot Points too. Same goes for Wealthy, which has Spend triggers at d4 and d8.
I think all of these Distinctions have Earn at d4 and Spend at d8 (or in the cases of Atheltic and Genius, Spend at d4 and Earn at d8), making them good prospects for buying up to d8 early:
- Athletic
- Attractive
- Clever
- Extraterrestrial Knowledge
- Gearhead
- Genius
- Guilty
- Investigator
- Manipulative
- Marksman
- Military Brat
- On a Mission
- Shameless Flirt
- Soldier