Kerberos 03/19/2012
From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
The two of you are abusing antecedents to pronouns terribly.
I do not let you people talk to mad people. It seems mean.
I have no problem with that verb. The weasel is a noble, resourceful, and clever creature.
Says our pillar of sanity, Alice.
Your reasoning is clearly circular.
The proof is in the pudding -- do we have any more pudding, by the way?
The proof is eating its own tail -- speaking of which, do we have eel pie?
What is my station?
Exotic foreigner.
It is hard to say.
Definitely American.
Alice: It pains me to admit that they can both do something best, but that is simply the way that grammar works.
Do you know, I think I like it better this way.
I have been teaching you All Wrong!