Sandy Spade
From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
- Duty d6: Consider carefully who you tell what truths to
- Glory d8: My name will be a household work
- Justice d6: Sometimes, you have to go outside official channels
- Love d4: What's love got to do with it?
- Power d6: Power doesn't have to be open
- Truth d12: I _will_ find the truth
- Boadicea "Bo" Blackwater d8: Bo isn't interested in looking below the surface
- Electra Ellis d6: Electra can't take constructive criticism
- Laura Jones d4: Laura doesn't notice what's going on around her
- Sandy Spade d4: Sandy has a silver spoon in her mouth
- Nicole Charles d8: I want Nicole to respect me
- Foley Ravenscroft d8: NEEDS STATEMENT
- Observant d12
- d4: Add d6 to Trouble to Reroll dice in any Contest or Test where you have been surprised, ambushed, or caught off guard
- d8: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die on an Observation roll when you're sure there's more than meets the eye here
- d12: Spend a Plot Point to Decrease your opponent's Insecure or Angry stress pool against you as the result your damning evidence
- Investigation d8
- d4: Earn a Plot Point when youChoose to spend a scene investigating instead of taking an immediate action
- d8: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll an Investigator Investigation roll
- In Over My Head d8
- d4: Add a d6 to Trouble to Reroll a die in a Daring roll.
- Willful d8 — Roll when not doing what others tell you would work in your favor.
- d4: Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you put your foot down.
- d8: Add a d10 to Trouble to put your foot down and Reroll a die in a Willful roll.
Currently, none.
- Straw Island 2d6: Extra-terrestrial artifacts, Dangerous truths
- 13 Court Street 2d4: Crawl spaces, Mystery
- University Dorms 2d6: Distractions, Rumors
- Wolfram Hospital 2d6: Contacts, Medicine