Kerberos Club

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Revision as of 17:09, 6 May 2013 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

  • Monday, May 4, 2013 is next session
  • FP to Reginald for the letter
  • A Clue to Victor about Leon's whereabouts
  • Alice is doing Research about associations of faerie and the dead
  • Douglas will ask his superiors for a field mission involving the PCs
  • Mace will ask London faeries
  • Alice link, Douglas, Mace




  • Henry / Neville: 1
  • Lord George Mace: 5 Fate points (aka 1 Refresh)
  • Lady Angelina Durless: 1 Fate point
  • Martin: 1 Fate point. Aspect: That Looks Tasty!
  • Anne: 1 Fate point
  • Lady Sage: 1 Fate point (likely has a second by now)
  • Lord Winston Beauchamp: Either 1 or 2 Fate points depending on what one gives Compelled NPCs

Martian Cultist Checklist

  • John Murray fell off island and No One Could Have Survived That
  • Lady Gladys Edeso and Miss Elizabeth Imrie dead near island's original location
  • Prince of Bosso-Kuni somewhere in Africa
  • Reverend James Park -- China
  • Mr. John Gray -- Egypt -- Subsequently, murdered by Ghul Mummies controlled by a priest of Anubis from 3,000 years in the past
  • Victor Keyhoe -- NYC -- Now realizes he was duped
  • Edward Wodehouse -- China
  • Jacoby Weiss -- NYC -- Now in a rest home in England

PC Fate Points

  • A: 2->8
  • S: 8
  • R: 9
  • V: 10

A: 10

S: 3->6

R: 6

V: 11

I make a marvelous chaperone. I don't need to sleep. What other chaperone can you say that about?

You can say it about any, but then you'd be Gregory.

Fine, I will bewitch the daqmned horses

You are by no means flying. Those horseshou\es were removed for a Good Reason.

All of us have problemqatic faqmilies -- let's not go making comparisons

My family is perfectly wonderful

So is mine, but that sodeoesnt stop it from being problematical

It's a medical condition

Do sit down. We'd like to hear your story from you. I cannot believe I am the one being sensible.

Butter wouyldnt mel in my mouth anyt more than edwina campion you don't want to be comparing yourselkf to edwina campion

She has a certain use

Like a rattlesanke

Sopme rattlesnakes can have a certain charm. I've been one or two of them.

Are you sure it wasn't the lord of the very open plains with convenient updrafts?

Only insec ts have thoraxes. It doesn't really mean that part of your body to which wings are attached. For example, this is my shoulder.

Your sense of responsibility will be the death of youquite possibly but I hope it will be the salvation of many others