Kerberos Club
- Monday, April 15, 2013 is next session
- Wedding session -- figure Alice is friends with the bride and Bartholomew Ford tutored the groom?
- Fae visit to be made: one of three items acquired.
- GM: Lisa Padol
- Chris Bell: Abraham Lincoln, 28
- Kristen Hendricks: Sophronia Wilkinson, 6
- Joshua Kronengold: Alice Beauchamp, 19
- Alden Strock: Reginald Hunter, AKA Gregory Sage, 23
- Nunzio Thron: Victor Knight, 21 or 22
- Status Quo Aspects
- Kerberos Club Aspects
- Aspect Round Up
- Locations
- Who's Who
- Kerberos Session Summaries
- Kerberos Fate Timeline
- Lisa's experiments in character creation
- GM Lessons Learned
- Charts and House Rules Need to see if I can upload files or not.
- Previous Fate Point Totals
- Rank for Nobles
- Online Character Generator:
- File:KerbFateTrappings.xls This has my list of which trappings go with which common skills, what the cost of each common skill is as a unique or strange skill, and various other useful bits of miscellaneous information.
- Henry / Neville: 1
- Lord George Mace: 5 Fate points (aka 1 Refresh)
- Lady Angelina Durless: 1 Fate point
- Martin: 1 Fate point. Aspect: That Looks Tasty!
- Anne: 1 Fate point
- Lady Sage: 1 Fate point (likely has a second by now)
- Lord Winston Beauchamp: Either 1 or 2 Fate points depending on what one gives Compelled NPCs
Martian Cultist Checklist
- John Murray fell off island and No One Could Have Survived That
- Lady Gladys Edeso and Miss Elizabeth Imrie dead near island's original location
- Prince of Bosso-Kuni somewhere in Africa
- Reverend James Park -- China
- Mr. John Gray -- Egypt -- Subsequently, murdered by Ghul Mummies controlled by a priest of Anubis from 3,000 years in the past
- Victor Keyhoe -- NYC -- Now realizes he was duped
- Edward Wodehouse -- China
- Jacoby Weiss -- NYC -- Now in a rest home in England
PC Fate Points
- A: 8
- S: 7
- R: 8
- V: 12
Invulnerabilities and weakneswses are on the character not on the skill
"You're hitting me with iron? What's the matter with you? How were you RAISED?!"
Er... it ment well
Gregory in public Reginald in private
Is he always like this when he's talking about romance?
Oh, I thought you were talking about courtship, not romance?
So are you saying that having Edwina under the same roof as Sophronia might not be the best idea?
Because mama has decided not to die
I could say mama had absolutely forbidden
My prospects are not as good, right?
FP for Archibald
I am Not. Sweet.
Past Gibralter all things are permissibele
Ettigquietee changes depending on which side fo the river your on? Really? Alice, why did you not tell me that? Does everyone else have the same problem with water I have?
I would have to bring back alec. Alec has been hiding
I'm sure London misses him terribly.
If this goes wrong, I blame Victor. Why is fae magic keeping anyone from finding Talos.
And the chartists have a fae working for them
Yes, and we through him into an iron fence
But we made that up to him
So he might not hate us now
What is Talos getting up to?
His own business, I'm sure. He plays a lot of chess.
Would you protect Talos if he hurt someone?
i don't think he has
You could play him by letter
Where do I deliver a letter to take it to talos?
Well, I could take it to him
I hand you a papper to give to Talos. All it sways on it is E4. No, King 4
It occursa to me that when your relatives get themselves in debt to faeries, bad things happen and trips to mars need to be taken.
Not that my father isn't -smart_
I was going for better at life, but sure. Sensible.
That's ironic.
Are you being deliberately evasiove or are you really that stupid?
That doesn't seem a very nice question. Aren't you supposed to be polishing your manners?
We do have a reputations
For, you know, knocking things over and setting things on fire
All those things deservbed it!
But you understand from an outside perspective that might not be immediately obvious.
Last call for the Official Talos Post.
I don't see a particular reason to give him a letter. I'll send him my card.
Talos is getting mail. Why does that seem so much more surreal than anything else?
We could include a hunk of iron in the package.
To less drinking!
No! To more drinking!
Sophronia, how impulsive are you feeling this evening?
I'm sure no more irresponsible than usual.
This doesn't smell quite right
Does fog smell right?
Generally yes.
Maybe it's because we're not in longon
I am familiar with the sce3net of fog on 6 continents
We put the sheep back. Bybebye toys.
She's not scatterbrained shes the sensibne one we decided this
we did?
she and I did
That I believe
Oh dont tell issaac he;; just worry
To have all of your digging done by a delicate young lady. Fine
you could go and have drinks with the night watcvhman
How very perspicacious of you
If they're trees
Oh dear -- we dont get that reacktion as often as we ought
We were tidy. We were very tidy.
Let me try a trick that I know
I can show you one!@
Dolphin sonar
Oh good, another crystal
You should really get them nicely set for the season
Oh say -- The Marsh!
Don't should! We're trying not to be noticed.
Do we want a tree monster?
Might I suggest we wait until next session for the tree monster battle?
Save a shard for fae.
Tree monsters must be stopped w/o bride and groom noticing / wedding party
Because they have to be HAPPY! Are you happy when tree monsters attack?
We are.
We're special.
Wedding party can be in the know, just not the bride and groom
Alice: 8
Reginald: 11
Sophronia: 8
Victor: 10