Helen Mayweather

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Revision as of 16:39, 29 December 2013 by Lisa (talk | contribs)
Helen Mayweather
26 years old

Str 10
Con 12
Dex 13
Pow 15
Siz 10
Int 15
Edu 15
App 14

Hp: 11
Luck: 75
San 75 70
Idea 75
Know 75

Age 25

Accounting 10
Anthropology 4
Archaeology 1
Art 5
Astronomy 1
Bargain 5
Biology 1
Chemistry 51
Climb 40
Conceal 15
Craft 5
Credit rating 28
Cthulhu mythos 6
Disguise 1
Dodge 33
Drive 40
Electric repair 10
Fast talk 75
First aid 30
Geology 1
Hide 50
History 31
Jump 25
Law 25
Library use 62
Listen 69
Locksmith 36
Martial arts 1
Mech repair 20
Medicine 5
Natural history 10
Navigate 14
Occult 13
Opr hvy Mach 1
Other language 1
Other language - Arabic 36
Spanish 15
English 75
Persuade 30
Pharmacy 1
Photography 70
Physics 1
Pilot 1
Psychoanalysis 1
Psychology 73
Ride 5
Sneak 70
Spot hidden 87
Survival - jungle 2
Swim 30
Throw 25
Track 10

Handgun 65
Machine gun 15
Rifle 25
Shotgun 30
Smg 15
Fist 50
Kick 25

Occ skills 300
General skills 150

Dream sending spell