Dorian Gray

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Revision as of 15:37, 25 July 2016 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

(also on Drive)


Concept: Beneficiary of Faustian Bargain

I may also want to change the Concept (Beneficiary of Faustian Bargain) to be even more explicit about the Love/Hate relationship he has with the painting. I’ll see if I can think of something else before play starts.

Aesthete: Art Is Everything & Everything Is Art

Gentleman: Obsessive Collector Of New Experiences

Sinner: I Will Show You What You Want


I Feel Like I’ve Been Looking For These Kerberos Club People For A Long Time ~ Connection

Or something like that. Basically, for most of his life, he thought he was the only supernatural in existence, but now there’s a club of them and...he’s relieved, he’s frightened, he’s intensely curious and he’s willing to break a lot of eggs to join them.

Again, I suspect this aspect will change into a Connection with named characters sometime in Session 1 or 2. But it hasn’t yet.


Modes and Skills

+3 Aesthete: Rapport, Provoke, Contacts, Deceive, Empathy, Aesthetics! (8 points)

+2 Gentleman: Rapport, Provoke, Will, Athletics, Deceive, Empathy, Aesthetics! (9 points)

+1 Sinner: Stealth, Burglary, Provoke, Deceive, Notice, Contacts (9 points)

28 points spent, 4 points remaining.

  • 1 point to boost Stealth
  • 1 point to boost Burglary, largely because if Notice is anything like Sense Trouble in ToC, I don’t actually want too much of it (except in Aesthetic situations, of course, where I get a bonus from stunts -- but those come below. Most of the time, I think Dorian thinks he’s invulnerable, so he’s very likely not to Sense Trouble when it comes).
  • 2 points remaining


  • Awesome (+5): Provoke, Deceive
  • Great (+4): Empathy, Rapport, Contacts, Aesthetics!
  • Good (+3):
  • Pretty Okay (+2): Stealth, Burglary, Will, Athletics
  • Still Decent (+1): Notice

So Dorian’s a charisma cannon with a sideline in sketchy things. Hooray!


Immortal: This is the painting stunt. Bulletproof to Aging. Absolutely More Dapper than Human -- but at a Cost (which can be damage shunted to the painting or landing on an ally or something else, depending on the situation). Shall we call this Not in the Face!? Or, given she suggests doing it as Hardware, as The Picture of Dorian Gray? If so, it gets a Function and a Flaw, both Aspects. IF we don’t use “The Picture of Dorian Gray” as the name of the stunt, that can be the Function. Otherwise, what? Keep Young and Beautiful? Not in the Face? Something else? And the Flaw? Dorian’s Achilles’ Heel? A Canvas of Dorian’s Secrets? Something else?

Practiced Aesthete: +2 to Notice when dealing with Aesthetics.

The Devil Knows His Own: +2 to Empathy when a target is feeling guilt or shame. FOR WHICH ACTION?

Trust Is For Fools: Use Deceive instead of Combat to Attack when the target Wasn’t Expecting That.

Take Me To Church: This is the Spill or Sin stunt. When Dorian creates an emotional advantage on a character representing discomfiting them, he may invoke the advantage to cause them to spill or sin; if they are a PC they may resist this as if it was a compel. In general, the triggering situations would be Advantages in the first place, so it makes sense to let him use up the free tag (if he gets one) to get the effect. Spill = confess a dirty little secret. Sin = DO something that, had they their druthers, would be a dirty little secret (e.g. a supposedly straight male A) confessing to kissing Dorian Gray or B) kissing Dorian Gray). Dorian does NOT control what they confess or do when Provoked thus -- he just knows he'll get something.

Stress and Consequences

I guess I have 4 mental stress boxes and 3 physical, then (everyone starts with 2 stress boxes, neh?)


  • Mild (-2):
  • Moderate (-4):
  • Severe (-6):


  • Physical Stress: <1> <2> <3>
  • Mental Stress: <1> <2> <3> <4>


Experience (write in a boost, crossout but don’t delete when used; 3 crossed out gives you a major advance):

  • 3:
  • 2:
  • 1: