1: The Witches of Salem-Zero
Page 1: the Substitute Heroes
Inside the midtown park bower that is the unofficial HQ of the official Legion of Substitute Heroes, Twidd Davi, aka Gyroscope Lad, is balancing on a narrow branch of the one the nearby trees, looking on with amazement as K’kk’Kshhhh, aka Flora, aka Botany Girl, is playing with the small plant creature that just 15 minutes ago dropped from her body like a fruit falling from a tree. The creature was already gamboling around the bower, showing a speed that its Arcadian mother no longer possesses, if she ever did.
[BR: Gyroscope Lad is at least temporarily part of the Substitutes to bolster their headcount, if not their actual effectiveness. Now is the chance for everyone who doesn't have a Substitute Hero to consider inserting one during the next couple scenes of recruitment.]
"It's a… Flower Child. We Arcadians… will produce them… occasionally. It means I met… my time to flower… but there were… no Arcadian men nearby… to provide. They are considered \to… be an excellent omen."
"Plus… they're very fun!"
[Myles, Diane, Josh, this scene serves two purposes: one it's to give exposition as Flora and Jandar try to convince Rubbermaid to go out for the Legion open call happening today, and two, because Diane's daughter Emily arranged for a birthday present for Diane in the form of a sidekick for one of her PCs. Happy Birthday, Diane!]
Vikrak Sheer, Rubbermaid, can barely contain her excitement as she bounces up and down on the spot. "Flora! You're a mom! SO EXCITING!"
She involuntarily bounces higher and careens off the leafy roof of the bower. "What are you going to call them?"
Flora's laugh is like wind through branches. “Oh Vikrak, I’m not a “mom” —this little one is more like another part of *me*. Though it’ll never grow as large. Or get as smart.” She reaches toward the rounded, multi-legged creature, and it scurries into her arms. “I guess it’s more like I grew a dog.”
“It’ll come to me naturally, but I guess it does need a name that you can all use. What about “Faun”, because it jumps about on its little legs?"
"So more like Robot Boy's Proty, then?", Dragon Girl asks. "But it's not an animal, like a faun, no? It's a plant, just a fast one! What about Rootlet or Rooty?
"Speaking of routes, have you thought about the tryouts today?"
“Only to think that I’m not ready to try again!” Flora exclaims. “But Vikrak should definitely try this time — she's showed she can really bash bad guys!"
Overhead Gyroscope Lad chimes in, "Absolutely! She's the only one of us who hasn't tried out and I think she's straight on the line for it."
“That’s right!” Flora adds. “She’ll bowl them over! What do you think, Vikrak? Will you try?"
Rubbermaid laughs a little self-consciously. "With you pals behind me how could I not apply? If I get rejected I'll be in very fine company! The Legion were dumb not to take you all."
"You won't be, though," Jandar says, "not with what you can do! But they didn't reject me! I...almost had an accident before I tried out and chickened out. And I'm glad I did! I'm not ready, not unless I learn to control myself--and this way I get to hang with you all! But I'm shooting on you to make the leap, Vikrak!"
Vikrak tries to remain calm at the thought of the tryouts, but can't help but bounce up and down in place. "What time do the tryouts begin?"
"9! They had to push it earlier this time since there were so many more applicants expected, they say. I think next time they might have to do multiple rounds with smaller panels acting as a filter--like larger competitions do."
Vikrak suddenly looks worried. "It just struck me. If I do get a place in the Legion, will I have to stop hanging out with you all? You're my friends! I don't want to leave you. Who would tidy the bower? Who would make the hot chocolate, and the caffeinated fertilizer mix for Flora?"
She hugs Flora and Jandar, squeezing tight.
Jander hugs back. "No way! You'd probably be too busy to patrol and practice with us most of the time, but that doesn't mean we can't be -friends-!"
Page 2: Earth Child, Diskette
Patin is standing at the spaceport, dictating things into a Computo brand amanuensis (it’s a small sphere with a orange-red mass of Kirby dots inside) while she waits for the just landed private shuttle to disembark.
<BR: Josh, go ahead and insert whatever Felos or Legion business you think might be relevant here; its Legion try out day so this may be part of it>.
The shuttle lands and the Ranzz family disembarks – Garth, Ayla, and Mekt tumbling down the stairs in their excitement, with Linda Bethsdotter [Beth, any last name would be good, this is a placeholder] their Terran au pair following after. Mr. and Mrs. Ranzz follow after at a more stately pace. The Ranzz family are classic Wynathian: high cheekboned, long-limbed, and the kids bearing an incredible similarity to each other and their parents. They are also immaculately dressed, perfectly coiffed, and have the sort of wealth that immediately blends into non-ostentatious good taste. Except for Garth, whose hair looks like it went through a blender.
The kids spot Patin in her Legionnaire's gear immediately and sprint over, again except for Garth who trips en-route and Beth has to snag by the collar and wrench back to his feet before he ruins his clothes on the pavement.
"It's Diskette! Hi Diskette! We got attacked by pirates and you were there!" Mekt is bouncing up and down with excitement. "But they haven't come back since then, because they're afraid of Linda!" Ayla adds.
"You're letting in new members today?" Garth asks when he catches up. "We could join! We could be Triad Kids because there are three of us!"
"That's not a super power, you dummy," says Mekt with a mean chuckle, "having a cohort is just normal!"
"No, it's not," Diskette says, "but we can't really say what's a super power and what's not. We can only decide what will help, not make things harder. Whether it's a weird power like mine" -- a tiny disk appears in front of her mouth and she blows into it, ruffling the hair of one of the children from the matching disk she created before she drops them, "an acquired ability like the Negative Man's, or a species power--like the human endurance I entirely lack," she smiles at Linda, "it's really all about what you can do with it."
Linda smiles back. "Well, and *how much* things will help. I can only assume that human endurance, or having close teamwork, would help; that doesn't mean it helps enough."
She smiles at the kids. "But, it'll be fun to try, and it's an honor to be invited to apply."
Patin shrugs. "I'm not sure it is, really.
"It's...some of us have unusual backgrounds, like mine, Ode's, or Robot Boy's, but for the most part there's nothing really that elite about us.
"It's what we're trying to do that's extraordinary--the goal, not the members. Trying to become something extraordinary, even if we didn't start out as anything that unusual.
"Don't look on it like an honor. Think of it more as a challenge." Patin grins.
Mrs. Ranzz extends her hand, "Patin, so nice of you to invite us to the ceremony today. The children are, as you can see, interested."
"So they are!" Diskette laughs, but not meanly. "Well, we do have a minimum age, at least unless we decide to waive it for extenuating circumstances. But once they get old enough, they should try out!"
As the group head to the gravskim, Mr. Ranzz manages to sneak in a quiet word with Diskette, "Ms. Felos, if you have a moment after the ceremony, I'd like a chance to talk to you and Mr. Voxis about an… issue of concern."
Patin nods and drops her voice to a similar level. "Of course, Mr. Ranzz. I'll arrange for it."
Page 3 top: Chameleon Boy, Miss Anima, Metal Lass, Robot Boy
In the time before the opening of the second round of Legion tryouts, Miss Anima, Robot Boy and Metal Lass are using their powers to set up the stadium the Legion HQ's 'ballroom'/secondary story space: assembling the podium for the legionnaires to set and the various equipment, targets, weights, and so on for the prospective members to display their powers. Given the bewildering array of 'powers' that candidates have shown in the past this isn't simple, but the diplomatic Dohlar, the prepared Jinnjahl and the analytical Adom are doing their best.
Nearby Ree is in a large leonine shape, stalking in small circles.
"Observation: You appear agitated, Chameleon Boy. Soft sentients often find verbalizing their concerns useful in ameliorating them."
"It -- It's a test," says Chameleon Boy. "Tests make, um, soft sentients nervous, I guess."
“That is completely understandable,” Dolar states, as she deftly twists a pair of barbells together. “I, too, am always nervous before an exam. But Ree, remember that you have succeeded when the stakes were much higher!"
"That was... kind of... almost... by accident, you know," Ree mutters, flushing. "I didn't remember I wasn't... me."
Adom stops working to turn and look directly at Ree. "Gentle Reminder: That might have been true when you rescued Flora from the collapsing Dr. Wyla, but the historical records show you were cognizant of your persona when you assisted in the protection of the Last Chance Institute. Hypothesis: you are allowing fear to cloud an accurate observation of your displayed capabilities."
Page 3 Bottom: Superboy
Not far from a many-mooned gas gas giant, Superboy materializes in the 30th century, having passed through the kaleidoscopic tunnel that is the visual sense of time travel. The boy of steel quickly realizes that this is not the Terran solar system – he has moved wildly in space as well as time.
Not terribly far away is a satellite, set in a wide but stable orbit around said gas giant. That had been what was pulling him here. A quick examination of the satellite with his super vision reveals a small plaque.
"Greetings! This is the Time Beacon, a designated absolute point in spacetime for calibration and reference for time travel. You are in the Charekesh system, the year is 3017."
- Woah. I knew they’d be expecting me sometime, but I didn’t think they’d go to that much trouble. Still, it’s good to have a signpost — I didn’t really appreciate how _much_ time and space there is to get lost in.*
[BR: OK, so the time beacon is an established part of LSH continuity, normally located inside the Time Institute in Metropolis on Earth, and Superboy used to just fly forward in time since the LSH was also on Earth. So, this is an explanation as to how he got where he needed to be on his first time-travel attempt. I figure Tok built this working off designs left behind by Manns/Negative Man, but no one wanted to have it, ya'know, in the middle of the city. So it's out by this gas giant: close enough for people to spot the nearby planet, far enough away for Charekesh to activate its defenses if something nasty comes through.]
[Diane, this scene is mostly for Clark to muse, orient himself a bit, find the Legion HQ and then get blown away by the next two page spread.]
A quick scan of the system with that same super-vision reveals some small colonies on the gas giant moons and much larger cities on moving islands inside the sunlight of the lone planet in system's habitable zone.
As he approaches, he's able to make out what must be, based on Bubble Boy's description, Legion HQ…
- There it is! I wonder how much time’s passed for them since they visited 1993? What if they’re not kids anymore?*
- Only one way to find out.*
In between him and the Legion building there's a bewildering array of activity - space ships from tiny two person sport craft to small free traders to larger personal ships to industrial shipping cruisers to planetary diplomatic craft to an enormous pleasure liner. The species on them are equally varied, from palm high beings who look like classic faeries to walking amoeba to beings with reptilian skin but trilateral symmetry to ones that would look completely human were it not for the avian wings on their backs. The bulk of the beings riding and operating on the ships appear human but... are they? or is that morphology something that species co-evolve towards, like crabs?
Oh look, there's a ship piloted by sentient crabs.... [ https://xkcd.com/2418/ ]
- Okaaay. Feeling like the country bumpkin from an interstellar backwater right now. Which I guess I am, no matter how excited they seemed to meet me.*
The traffic is converging on several space stations, each of which seems to be in orbit over a trio of Long Island sized moving platforms, each of those holding covered nearly completely with moving cities that are navigating around the planet to stay inside the daylight zone of the world's slow rotation. He has to take a wide loop around the city to make sure he doesn't interfere with traffic up and down from the station, and that lets him come in at a low angle to the aged spaceship at the docks that matches Bubble Boy's description of the Legion base....
- And they sure picked a spot in the middle of all the action for their HQ! No good to wonder how they find people who need help, with all this right at their doorstep.*
Cresting over he finally gets a clear view of the gallimaufry of beings in costumes lined up outside, the bystanders, news reporters, and clusters of people carrying Legion of Super-Heroes merchandise.
[This image corresponds with Page 4-5, and Superboy can be seen in the upper right hand corner of the page and just below him on the roof of the Legion HQ is Future Boy, waving him down.]
- What _is_ all this? It looks like Comic-Con on steroids! Is it like this outside their clubhouse _all the time_?*
"Superboy!" Future Boy, now dressed in futuristic clothing, not his costume, waves up at Superboy. "Come down, you're in the right place and even the right time! I...dreamed of being on this roof, waving at you, but I didn't really know what it meant until the beacon sent me a signal! You've arrived on a great day!"
Clark lands next to his futuristic friend, glad to see that he has barely aged since their last meeting. “Glad to be here, Future Boy! But what’s happening? Is it some kind of festival?"
"Not exactly," Tok says, "It's Recruitment Day -- the day we get to consider new applicants to our little superhero club! We don't get to do this often; the last time was the first one, when I joined.
"So, want to apply to join the Legion?"
“Are you kidding?!” Clark exclaims. “I’d love to. What do you need me to do?” Future Boy smiles broadly, and begins to explain.
Page 4-5: Mr. Music, Bubble Boy
Quick space here for the two of them to be discussing the logistics of the day: that if last round was a media curiosity, this one after their exploits in the past few months, is a full-on circus. It's a couple of panels before we see them look out the window at the line below, containing this list of people all queued up to gain Legion membership.
Beau Boy (super fashion-sense!) Kid Krakatoa (head can explode; only survives because he's a Terran) Rubbermaid (Super Bouncing Powers!) Amazing Ameo-boy (turns into a thick viscus goo that can digest anything, albeit very slowly) Bolt Boy (super speed without super reflexes or durability) Superboy Luminous Lass (glows with a soft white light all the time) Kit Kid (owner of the cosmic tool kit) Gymkhana Girl (has a very clever and nimble horse) Livermoreum Lad (transform into that element; lifespan once activates measured in seconds) Leek Lad (onion powers) Charm Chatelaine (can create magic charms from Wynathian myth) Earth Child (Terran endurance) Jim Me-Lad (dressed like a pirate) Ominous Boy (surrounded by an aura of dread) Calcul-Lad (can do super fast mechanical calculations) Eyeful Ethyl (360 degree vision from having eyes around her head) Tusker (has tusks that he can extend) Miss Misla (this is a Wynathian animal very similar to a giraffe – she can extend her limbs and neck great distances) Barricade Boy (can turn into a wall of steel)
Gorvo Van looks over the queue of would-be Legionnaires that snakes in front of the downed spacecraft the Legion claimed as their headquarters. His eyes pop at some of the weird and wonderful individuals waiting outside.
"Ode, did you know we have a humanoid giraffe in the queue?"
"Remind me to make sure we have plenty of drinks and pseudocaffeine pills to hand. This is going to be a long day."
Ode looks over the queue. "Gorvo... what's the rule about duplicate powers, again?"
[Given Chameleon Boy could theoretically duplicate the giraffe thing, the player could use a refresher of what the rules are here.]
[MC Good question: Wikipedia says "Each Legionnaire had to possess one natural superpower which no other member possessed"]
[BR it's in campaign niche protection for the players and logistical support for the characters. it's to make sure there aren't 15 people with Force Field powers on the roster, even though a corps of people with force field powers would be helpful. In theory someone could join with just super-strength as Robot Boy's real power is being a robot and the super strong person would doubtless be stronger. Classically Superboy and Supergirl were exempt from this process in both directions - other people with powers they had could join, and they could both be on the team at the same time - with the explanation of "It's freakin Superboy, OK?"]
"Hmm, it's pretty straightforward. No duplicated natural powers, so we'll never have another Tallagi, for example, unless Monster Boy had turned out differently."
Gorvo looks glum at the thought of the late Tallagi rival.
"I don't get it," says Ode. "He's got an amazing ability, and he uses it for..." He trails off, sighing. "It's great so many people want to help," he says, looking at the queue. "But we can't take them all."
"Looking at the candidates outside, I'm guessing some will rule themselves out pretty quickly... Not that I think we shouldn't give them all a fair hearing. Maybe some could be reserves? Or we could franchise out to other planets?"
"Anyway, it should be fun meeting new faces. Not everyone can join the Legion, but everyone deserves a chance to shine."
Ode nods absently.
There's a small sequence of panels with his thought balloons showing the various folks in line in smaller groups, on various planets, costumed as members of the Legion, proclaiming their identity as a franchise, as they rescue various pets from trees, put out fires, divert meteors, capture the occasional criminal, and, most importantly -- HOLD CONCERTS!
A similar sequence (nice idea, btw) of panels shows Gorvo thinking of fighting interstellar gangsters, fending off giant monsters, rescuing crashing starships and finally, sharing hot tubs with adoring fans.
Page 6-7 top: Superboy, Rubbermaid, Earth Child
Future Boy walks Clark into the line, which is constantly adding new people and shuffling a little as individuals question whether they should do this and/or where it would be most advantageous to be in line. (this is a long panel across the two page spread)
Clark ends up between a boy who is vibrating in position – the motion of his feet stirring up little clouds of dust – and a girl who is glowing slightly and humming to herself. It takes him a moment to place the tune as "Heroes" by David Bowie.
When he turns to look at her she sees his shirt and says "Hey, another fan of ancient Terran music!"
Clark grins. “You could say that! I’m a big fan of the classics. What’s your favorite band? And what brings you here?"
“Oh, I love all the great female singers of the pre-heroic age. Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, First Aid Kit... and I’ve always enjoyed the Pretenders.” She sees the growing confusion on Clark’s face until he hits on the Pretenders. “You’ve heard of them?!”
“I have,” Clark replies. “But I kinda like Joan Jett better."
She smiles, "Chrissie was a big advocate of hers! Joan Jett…That's a pretty 'deep cut'" she adds, proud of her use of old Terran slang.
“Why am I here? I’m Luminous Lass. My family’s shuttle was trapped in a chromatic explosion and each of us kids got the power to generate light...” her glow intensifies from the faint background love to something that makes people nearby shield their eyes.
“It’s not much but ever since I got this I just wanted to do... something.” She nods at the Legion base. “And they certainly are something!”
“They sure are!’ Clark looks at his sneakers for a second, not sure how to explain. “Where I’m from, there’s no way to learn how to be a superhero. If they take me, I’m betting I can learn a lot from them.”
"Yeah. I really want to learn from Mr. Music." She gets the same predatory/dreamy look on her face that Lana got when quizzing Clark about the Legion leader. "So, what power do you have?"
I’m really strong, and super-fast,” says Clark. “And I can fly. But after looking around at everyone else, I don’t actually know whether that’s terribly special."
A few people ahead of him is Rubbermaid, who is between Kid Krakatoa and Amoeboy. The latter says something indecipherable to her, but when he repeats it, she makes out a bubbly "Didn't you help save the park?"
Rubbermaid grins broadly. "Yep! I did my part. I'm Rubbermaid," she adds, sticking her hand out to shake. "What's your name?"
…burble… "Call me Amoeboy." He says, shaking her hand for just a split second, Burble…"My species can dissolve almost anything inside our bodies." Burble… "I don't know if that's enough to get in, but I'm honored to even try,"
"Me too," Rubbermaid replies. "We have to remember that the Legionnaires are people like the rest of us. They saw a way they could help and acted on it. If I don't get in it's not going to stop me helping others."
She gazes up at the space-ship headquarters. "I do hope I get in though."
Further back in the line, Linda is waiting and people watching behind a dark-haired Wynathian wearing a night blue outfit and cloak, He has an emblem on his chest that might be the silhouette of a gothic castle.
She's the only one standing near him – he's clearly in the queue but everyone else had been shuffling away from him – and he is giving her a slightly petulant look. He concentrates for a minute and Linda can feel a slight prickling in her skin, the sort you get from an enjoyable horror movie moment, before it stops.
"Who are you?!" he finally asks with an irritated edge to his voice.
[BR: Poor Ominous Lad's powers are resisted with a d20 save vs. Endurance. He doesn't have a prayer here….]
"Linda Cook. And you are?"
“I’m Ominous Lad! Mine is the power to strike disquiet into every mortal soul!”
He stops posing and adds “except yours, apparently.”
"Terran," Linda says half-apologetically, "and stubborn."
“Ah. Well. Ok then.” He looks dejected for a minute and then says under his breath “mine is the power to strike disquiet into every Wynathain soul!”
Just behind Linda, at the outside of Ominous Lad's radius, is a girl wearing flowing blouse, split skirt and tights all of bright pinks and lavenders. "I'm sorry, did you say you were Terran? Like, currently just off Terra?"
Seeing Linda nod, the girl goes on, "I'm Shantalla Ywel, called 'Charm Chatelaine'. Do you know anything about Terran nature magics, by chance?"
"Well, talking about 'Terran spirit magics' is misleading. The era in which magic was most practiced was well before unification, and different traditions practiced different spirit magics. So if you're talking Australian, that's the Dreamtime. The Chinese had ancestor worship, and they split things into yin and yang and the elements of fire, wood, earth, metal, and water. The Japanese thought everything - plants, animals, rivers, rocks, and so on - had spirits called kami. Other cultures had other beliefs about spirits and magic, separately and together -- not all spirit beliefs involved magic, and not all magics involved spirits.”
“Wow! That’s a lot of variables. And probably why they aren’t practiced as much as no one tradition was able to set up a spiritual groove into Terras gestalt psyche. Do you... practice any of those yourself?” She adds, clear afraid she might have caused offense.
Seeing Linda's head shake, she stands a little straighter, “On Wynath we have just two traditions - the spirit magic of charms inside objects that sounds like your kami, and the spirit magic of Hyrade, the planet in our solar system that many believed held the spirits who moved to their next level of consciousness…”
Page 6-7 Bottom: Eventually everyone
This is a series of six stacked two panel columns, each with someone trying out.
Stack One, Chameleon Boy
Ree is standing in front of the recently completed judges table, looking at the people he's spent the last several weeks observing. He knows their kindness, their generosity, their interpersonal dynamics, and he's still a little bit scared….
"Uh, hi, I-- Um. Uh, um. I'm... here?" he says. "Um. So... what do I do? I mean... you know what I can do. Um. Turn into things. I mean animals. Um. What do you need me to do next?"
"Turn into a chicken and play 3D checkers with me," Future Boy says. "You don't have to win, but I want to see how you play. When you're a chicken."
With a pop there's suddenly a chanticleer rooster in the middle of the room weighing in at about 8 kilos. (a brahmin would have been too big, and the chanticleer is exactly what people see when they think "chicken"). The bird pecks at the ground a few times, struts over and starts moving pieces on the checkerboard with his beak in a way that approximates play.
After a half dozen or so moves the chicken cocks it’s head, places one beady eye on Future Boy, and deliberately picks up a piece with its rooster talons before executing a series of jumps claiming 3 pieces that gets kinged in the back row.
[BR: conferred with Lisa offline. Ree rolled a 5, which is a full success with his 12 int. Tok rolled an 18, which is a fail with his normal int but a full success with his precognition kicked in. It makes sense that Ree was able to lure him into a bad position by playing into acting like a chicken. Tells us quite a bit about how Ree works.]
Stack Two, Kit Kid
Kit Kid is wearing a costume that looks very much like mechanics coveralls. Lanky with a shock of green hair uncommon on Wynath, he's carrying a rectangular box that appears as a chunk of night sky near a nebula, with colors and lights shifting slowly around it.
"So, uh, I found this in a crashed spaceship. There was a signal from it that didn't match any transmission I'd ever heard, but I think it was a distress beacon once I teased it out of the radio. I got my folks to land and look around. Whoever had been on the ship was long dead, just dust and metal skeletons, but I touched this and heard it say "genetic lock established" in my head. And now only I can open it. Sometimes only I can lift it. And inside there…, well there's every tool you'd ever need. And it talks in my head, telling me what's broken, what tools I need to fix it."
"I looked around and realized parts of the United Planets are broken. And I want to help you fix it."
"That's..." Diskette trails off for a moment, letting herself show regret. "Amazing, actually. You're exactly the kind of person we're looking for, and I don't know what that does, but it sounds fascinating.
"But we can't. Our rules--and yes, I know, this was my idea, but I'm wishing we could bend the rules now--say you can't be accepted for something you have; just something you are. If you can demonstrate a power that is yours alone; not an item you have that can be lost, stolen, or break, that toolkit sounds amazing, but just the toolkit doesn't qualify. I wish it did."
Tylr Amee, aka Kit Kid, looks a little dejected and then starts arguing "Awwww! Bend the rules. I know I can join you! It's not fair that it's just super-powers! I can…"
There's a blur of motion and Proty shoots past Kit Kid, its gravitic tractor beam yanking the cosmic tool kit from the boy's hand and flying a dozen meters away with it. Tylr lets out a yelp, and before he can recover Robot Boy is directly in front of him with a boost from his boot jets, his metallic form seeming to tower over the comparatively tall Wynathian.
"Declaratory statement: it is not a question of 'fair', gentle sentient. It is a question of safety. The situations into which the Legion inserts itself are inherently and unpredictably dangerous. No one here doubts your courage or your nobility, but it is the nature of a functioning organization to not allow members to take unnecessary risks."
Proty has come back over and dropped the kit at Tylr's feet. "Suggestion: While you cannot become a Legionnaire, that does not mean the Legion cannot assist you. Several of us have contact with organizations that could direct you to where repairs are most needed."
"Question: would this be acceptable?"
Kit Kid snatches up the toolkit, which is currently luminescent as its exterior is displaying a stellar birthing ground. "You could do that?"
Mr. Music nods slowly. "I think we could."
Stack Three, Rubbermaid
Rubbermaid enters (bounces into?) the room and stands before her heroes. Yes, she's fought alongside them, but is that enough?
"Hi! I'm Rubbermaid, from Esot IV." Vikrak bounces in place. "We've met before, I hope you remember."
She springs from her spot to ricochet around the room a bit before returning to her spot.
"I'm sorry. I get a bit fidgety when I'm anxious. I want to help the Legion help others, and I hope my rubber-ball abilities are good enough to make the cut. I'm tough, agile and keen to help out."
She pauses, uncharacteristically still. Eyes down, she finishes. "I just want to help."
"I think you can excel, or at least, I hope so." Diskette says. "For your tryouts, we've prepared an obstacle course. Actually, my friends have prepared an obstacles source--I provided some early ideas. It has barriers, quick turn-arounds, and, I'm told, some very tricky setups in the middle. Get in, get around or through anything in the way, and get out with whatever's in the center in 10 minutes.
"Oh, and you'll have an opponent, who's trying to do the same thing. Me. I won't hold back, but I also don't know the layout, so I can't just cheat my way in and out. And the rules are that you have to enter each room in and out, so I'm not allowed to get a momentary advantage and just leave, even if it's in my range--but you're going to not want to let me get my hands on the prize.
"If you can stop me."
Stack Four: Superboy
Superboy cautiously walks into the room, taking in his first views of the inside of a spaceship. There on the table is Future Boy, Bubble Boy, Mr. Music, and Miss Anima, but also a humanoid robot, a cute girl with a sword on her back, and a severe looking girl who looked human… Terran…or Wynathian, but probably wasn't.
“Um…hi!” Clark says. “I’m..…Superboy? At least, that’s what Future Boy called me last month.” He pauses, realizing that this panel probably knows more about his abilities than he does. “So, I was in a spacecraft that crash landed on Earth when I was a baby. There wasn’t anyone else in the ship — my parents — the people who found me and raised me, said that it looked like it had been built just for me. So I don’t really know where I’m from originally. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that I can do a lot of things that most people can’t. I’m really strong, and really fast, and I never get hurt. I can see in the infrared and, if I focus, in X-rays. I can hear much better than most people. I can fly. And I just found out that I don’t need to breathe in outer space, and I can travel through time. That’s how I’m here now.”
“But I came because I want to help people. I’ve been trying to do that by writing for my school paper at home…I just feel that I could do more? And I’d love to learn from all of you."
Stack Five: Leek Lad
Leek Lad strides into the room, projecting false confidence. His clothes are layers of thin brown cloth, but his visible hands and face are vague translucent, and the Legionnaires can just make out the bone structure under it.
"Hello! I'm Siras Kqant, aka Leek Lad. After an accident at my clan's farm, I was exposed to experimental plant matter… but survived and gained the proportional powers of an Onion!"
"And those are?" Mr. Music is genuinely curious, never having given much thought to how strong vegetables are, proportionally speaking.
“I can root myself into the ground with a second's notice, resisting attempts to move me. My skin can become super slimy, so I’m impossible to grapple. I’m resistant to diseases that affect Wynathians. But my main power...” he pulls out a small knife and cuts the palm of his hand. The room is immediately filled with a tear-gas level chemical irritant fills the room.
"Bubble boy, gas shield, now!" Future Boy shouts just in time, as his powers (and good sense) gives him a sense of what is about to happen.
[JK: they have got to develop a code system. I mean, they might have, in which case he might call "Code Orange"]
Gorvo manifests a blue bubble around the assembled Legionnaires, a surprised look on his face changing to understanding as he hears the complaints of the candidates outside. [Off-panel pointing word balloons: "What is that stink?", "Holy Nebulas, the smell!" etc.]
"We'll take your word for it," Gorvo says. "Robot Boy, do you have a fan attachment?"
Robot Boy raises both hands and uses the gravetic attractors on them to suck the chemical irritant towards him, where a quick blast from his thoracic furnace neutralizes it. "Statement: I believe the air is sufficiently pure now."
Leek Lad has the self-awareness to look abashed. "I… um… I got carried away there."
"We... _did_ ask," says Mr. Music. Once Leek Lad has left, and before the next candidate comes in, he says, "It's... _unique_. And powerful."
"Yes," replies Bubble Boy. "He has potential, but I'd be worried about the fallout. We can't go round tear-gassing passers-by and hostages. I guess we see what other candidates bring to the Legion."
Stack Six: Earth Child
Linda finally enters the room, seeing the looks of relief on the Legionnaires faces after having dismissed the unpleasant Ominous Lad. Just outside the door she can hear the Ranzz kids cheering her on.
"Hello, everyone. I'm Linda Cook, Terran. Call me Girl Grit, I guess. I can do many of the things most people can better than most -- I'm stronger than most, I can shoot straight, that sort of thing. But I don't have powers which let me do things anyone else can't. What I *can* do is keep going and going through effort and damage and exhaustion.
"If that's something you'd consider, I'd suggest you set me to run laps or something of the sort and take the next six candidates and come back to me later."
"No need for that," Diskette says. "We all know how touch Terrans are...ones who haven't been damaged by genetic experiments, anyway." She shrugs. "You play the hand you're dealt. But no; our concern is more how you'll handle situations where you're facing powers that do things nobody else can--can simple skill, ability, and Terran endurance get you far enough when you're facing someone whose powers are more overt? Which is why we've decided your test is..."
Page 8: the tests
Chameleon Boy
That moment of satisfaction of having leveraged Future Boy's expectations was short lived as with a rainbow shimmer of light a thick, layered, transparent dome appears over Ree's head, with magnets across the bottom of it that seal it to the floor with a thunk. There's only 8 CM wide passage over his head as an avenue of escape.
From between the two outer layers of the dome, water starts to gush into the chicken-holding hollow.
LP: Water snake of some kind.
The tunnel takes a turn and widens to run parallel to the floor, which opens into the center of a wall of a one meter high by 2 meter long space with flat walls and curved, metallic floor and ceiling, both of which are glittering with upthrust sharp edges – no clear path below in his current form. There are a set of platforms hanging from the ceiling that could be used to traverse the distance with good leaps, but those cables look flimsy…. On the far side of the space is an exit platform.
[BR: TEST – THE ULTIMATE SQUIRREL PROOF BIRDFEEDER: the first platform for the first two and last two platforms will hold up a 5kg creature landing, but not the 3rd. Something that is ruable enough to ignore the blades on the bottom, something that can stick to the side walls, something can leap from cable to cable, or super quickly changing to something with longer reach when the 3rd playform gives way, or a running forward change into a bird with momentum then changing to something smaller to land on the far side exit as a test of speed….]
Sticking to the side walls? Sounds like suckered tentacles, something kinda octopoidal. Though actually, maybe a bird or bat here because of what follows.
The second Ree, in any form, steps onto the exit corridor it catapults him up through a hole in the ceiling. The passage 10cm square, is vertiginously fast and will end with flying through a laser grid unless he stops himself. There's another passage at a right angle to his fligt that he would have to get to.
[BR TEST – THE CAT 0 PAULT! Turn into something larger or with anchor points or what have you that can stop the forward momentum (or something that would reflect the 'lasers', and he would bounce off the wall on the far side and fall back down tis tube]
Here's where the octopoidal form with suckered tentacles works best, yes?
The exit passage from the laser-tube has several hanging felt ribbons, that combine to leave the passage behind in pitch darkness….
[BR: TEST – BLIND AS AN TERRAN WINGED MAMMAl:It's a quick labyrinth that is easily navigated if Ree turns into anything with sonar or bioluminescent abilities or any other reasonable way; just smell won't work because it was just created out of thin air. ]
A biolouminescent deep earth mole from a planet that has such things and maybe doesn't call them moles.
The labyrinth opens into a 1.5 meter square shaft space where Ree can see an exit passae some meter higher than where he is in this shaft before the ceiling drops a quick meter to cover it, and then start descending….
[BR TEST – UNDER PRESSURE: Finally a chance to turn into something strong, but with some space constraints. That increase in strength should be enough to push the ceiling back up and then a change to something smaller for a very rapid escape through the exit before the ceiling falls in again.
A powerful simian type to push the ceiling back and jump and grab for the opening, followed by changing into something more feline and small to scramble up into the opening.
The last chamber is just a… dead end. The floor and walls echo hollowly when tapped.
[BR: NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH: here's the "screw it just turn into a bear and crumple the walls with the force of the change…]
Bear it is, followed by shaking his head to clear it, turning back into a chicken, and walking over to the board to make the next move in the game.
The scene opens with Clark over the ocean, with Bubble Boy and Robot Boy observing from a gravskim platform (for the moment) Gorvo says "According to the UPSV Naiad there's a crashed spaceship of indeterminate origin on the ocean floor near this point. You have 5 minutes to bring it up, undamaged. Adom and I will be nearby to step in if it looks like there's going to be an issue. Timer starts... NOW!"
[R: Myles, feel free to edit the above to be more in Gorvo's voice. I figure he and Adom will be following down underwater to observe.]
Clark immediately starts scanning the waves with his X-ray vision, looking for anything on the ocean floor that might be a spaceship.
The water muddies his vision a bit, but he can make out a large artificial shape under the water. An unconscious deep breath and seconds later Clark is flying through the water to the vessel, which is a classic “rocket” shape. He can see one of the tail fins has already snapped off but the other two are intact, if covered under a layer of silt. [BR: imagine it looks just like the rocket on the cover of a Heinlein juvenile]
Once Superboy is below the surface, Gorvo turns to Robot Boy and offers a bet. "I bet he's quicker than five minutes. This is Superman we're dealing with."
Robot Boy turns his 'face' to Gorvo "Statement: Not Yet."
There’s no visible light down here at all, but just enough UV at the roughly 150m depth for him to be able to see and maneuver - trying to do this just via X-Rays would give him a headache. Still, the X-Rays do tell him that the ships frame is intact, it’s interior walls are both substantially intact and radiation resistant enough to block X-Rays, and the exterior skin is degraded from the seawater. He’s not sure he can lift it directly without crumpling the skin....
The north side of the wreck is slightly easier to see because of the Cherenkov radiation coming off the... decaying skeleton of that giant turtle...?... some distance away.
- Well, _that’s_ weird.** Clark thinks. He shakes his head — no time to waste! **OK, rocket. Can’t just lift it, can’t see inside. Maybe there are controls on the inside?**
The south side is in shadow, so it takes him a couple of seconds to survey the ship and find the airlock.
- Bingo! Still, if the skin’s degraded the controls might be shorted out, too. I’ll have a look, but I need to start thinking about a Plan B.**
[DK: So, what does this airlock look like? Is it in good enough shape to open?]
[BR: Yes indeed, it appears to be in working order. X-ray vision even reveals where the external manual override is so he can cycle it from here. You can get through the airlock and the interior is full of water, there are three trilateral bodies in here, the controls are in shutdown mode and the power plant would need a jumpstart. There are three hairline fractures that let the water in. I'll let you describe the search and next steps]
Clark opens and pulls on the manual override for the airlock, and then slides it open to enter te waterlogged ship. The hairline fractures on the walls had, over time, let out all the atmosphere and filled it with water. The bodies of the crew – three aliens with trilaterally symmetrical bodies – are inside. He can't hear any life in the ship, or see any heat on the controls.
Let’s take care of those cracks first, so the water doesn’t break her apart if I can get her moving. Clark focuses on each crack in turn, welding them shut with his heat vision.
OK, _think_. I can’t see through most of these walls, so finding the engine might mean hours of looking, not that I’d even know how to start it if I found it. But if I can’t see through the walls, they’re probably pretty sturdy. And if Mr. Andersen’s physics class is right, pushing on one of the internal beams should distribute the force I make over the entire ship. So, find one of the main struts, then hang on and fly up…slowly
(After a panel of Clark straining upward on a ship beam trying to lift the ship, and failing...)
Wow, that’s heavy! Gonna have to get rid of this water.
The next several panels show Clark opening the airlock and securing the bodies he can see, rushing to the far side of the ship, and exhaling with a mighty WOOOOSH. The water gushes out of the ship, carrying with it one last body that had been floating behind a work surface, out of sight.
Oh no!
Already moving at super-speed toward the airlock, Clark caroms off a bulkhead to catch it before spinning the airlock shut.
With the ship empty and sealed, he heads back to the main strut and tries flying -up- again.
This time the ship moves, and once it’s off the floor the added buoyancy of the air makes it easily to carry up. Robot Boy and Bubble Boy see Clark surface with the ship, his red flannel shirt flapping in the ocean breeze, as the teen of steel lifts the vessel free of the ocean
“Satisfied statement: Four minutes, seven seconds. Well done, Superboy.”
Gorvo applauds the Kryptonian, calling out "great work, Superboy!" adding in a side whisper to Robot Boy. "Told you."
When the trio are back on New Metropolis (and the crew of the Naiad have thanked the legion for their help), Robot Boy produces a modest sized box he had set aside.
“Congratulatory Statement: Well, done, Superboy. Since you arrived here not expecting this initiation I suspect you have not acquired the uniform for which you will later be known. I felt it best to give you this so you will have a standard Iconic Uniform to match the other Legionnaires.”
He hands Clark the box, which contents a black faux-leather jacket with the Superman “S” shield on the back.
“Earnest inclusion: I acquired it as a souvenir on Clarksday and it did not fit my robot frame. I think this is a better use for it.”
This is one long panel showing the exterior of the obstacle course, filled with BOOOIIIIIING! WARP! BOUNCE! LEAP! BOING! "Watch Out!" "Coming Through" "oof!" And finally Rubbermaid flying out the far right hand side of the maze.
Earth Child, Metal Lass, Robot Boy
Robot Boy gets down from the judging stand and places himself solidly some 5 meters away from Linda.
"Statement of Rules: Inside this chamber we have hidden a handheld control unit. Your task is to locate it and use it to deactivate the exercise. Those Legionnaires on the floor will be attempting to restrain you, but will not take any action against the control unit. Contestants should avoid serious damage to one another. The time limit is 3 minutes."
Metal Lass steps between Robot Boy and Linda, places her hands together, and silently makes a formal bow to her opponent. As her hands separate, repeating the form of The Growing Vine, Linda can spot a flat ribbon of soft metal, growing longer by the second.
“When you are ready, you may begin.”
(If Metal Lass is involved on the opposition, Linda will dump some stuff out of her pockets while setting up.)
- 16: Earth Child**
Linda grabs two of a set of bamboo-like hollow sturdy rods, throws one up to lodge in a light fixture, and pole vaults with the other, bringing herself to the top of a set of exercise equipment (which had been used for earlier contestants to demonstrate strength and agility), from which she jumps to a hula-hoop-sized vertical ring that had been used to for flying applicants to demonstrate precision. She retrieves the pole and uses it to spin herself around, to view the area from there and attempt to spot the control unit -- or if she can't do that, rule large swaths of the room out as places it couldn't be hidden.
[BR: die roll is a 9; spotting hidden things in combat test clearly includes her Army Brat profession, that's a Full success. Upshift one for her heightened senses and it is a superior success, good enough to make out where it is. Her leaping up and searching her cost her 10 Movement, she has 56 left]
Spinning in a quick circle she's able to spot a section of wall that had been recently modified - a slight warping of the metal producing a rectangle 11cm wide and 30cm long, just the right size for a hand held remote - located so that Robot Boy would have been between her and it had she not moved up. Clearly Adom is not the most tactical thinker in terms of not telegraphing the remote's location.
- 16: Metal Lass**
Dolar's quick execution of the form 'Setting the Falcon Free' sends a ribbon of metal sailing toward the ceiling ring that Linda is perched on.
[If successful] It hits one edge of the ring and pushes it into a fast spin.
[BR: Attack roll is a 1! 16 HP and movement damage. Linda rolls with 6 HP takes 10, 16 remaining, unconsciousness roll is a 90 so no worries; 40 Movement remaining]
The ring accelerates rapidly, quickly moving like a centrifuge and hurling Linda in a random direction. There's a very loud series of thuds as she hits a gap inside of the exercise equipment, having caromed off one of the metal uprights. Her doubtlessly dangerously wounded body lies out of sight inside the equipment.
<Reaction from the crowd, as this impact would easily have hospitalized a Wynathain? Metal Lass, moment or fear over possible outcomes? Mr. Music has fought alongside her before, and knows how tough Linda is but damn that would have shattered a couple of his bones... Diskette, could even a terran with full endurance live through that?!? Miss Anima, that's... not how an arboreal Slan would have reacted to the fall, let's put it that way. Bubble Boy, remember how shook up you were when Dragon Maid tossed you down the hotel stairs? OUCH!
Miss Anima gives the falling Terran a look of horror. (She KNOWS that Slan are fragile and Terrans are ... very not fragile, but an uncontrolled fall is a primal fear. And while Terrans are far more durable than Slan, they are also HEAVIER than Slan.) Her eyes go to the medical staff on call and she holds up a book of drawings, in an unspoken message to tell her what they need, if they need anything they don't have available.
Mr. Music visibly winces.
"Oh no!" Patin exclaims, remembering how many times she's avoided falls like that by inches--and been reminded, once again, that due to hr condition she can't take damage "like a real Terran". But could even her oldest sister, whose modifications were more cautious sacrificed none of her Terran toughness, survive, much less keep fighting after a blow like that?
Metal Lass’s eyes widen in surprise and dismay as she starts running toward the fallen aspirant— did she miscalculate her throw and inadvertently harm another sophant?
Regardless of how the Legion responds, the readers, but not the Legionnaires, can see Linda inside the weight gear, diffusing the impact with a roll and keeping herself low to the ground and temporarily out of sight. She can still see the modified stretch of wall, and is now parallel to Robot Boy rather than him between her and her target. Did she plan that fall?!?
- 14: Robot Boy**
The Metallic Legionnaire closes the gap between him and the fallen Terran's position, quickly lifting 2 ton piece of exercise equipment to give him a clear view of Linda's doubtless wounded form, Instead he finds her crouched and alert.
[BR: Robot Boy has a modified Asimov's laws, so it takes a Charisma save to do HP of damage to someone. it's entirely in keeping for him to rush over and spend his action trying to rescue a dangerously wounded sapient. Instead he's now standing over her, holding a very heavy piece of equipment.]
Round 1
- 1: Earth Child**
Linda leaps up, grabbing on to the equipment. Not that she weighs much compared to it, but it's an unexpected addition to the equipment's weight. Swing along it, plant herself past Robot Boy, and try to use the heavy Legionnaire as a launching pad for rapid movement to a wooden baseball bat, which she grabs while tumbling to the remote control. If this knocks him off-balance or even prone, grand! If not, well, the primary goal was to get where she's going, with a non-metallic weapon.
If she can pick up the control unit she will.
If there are additional complications before she can pick up the control unit - and she's rather expecting them - she has the baseball bat to whack at metal cages which start growing, or to whack away any metal aiming straight at her, or whatever.
The Legionnaires at the judging stand just see a blur of motion as the Terran girl heaves herself up, climbing rapidly up through the lifting equipment - at one point using Robot Boy's arm for a foothold - and then leaping off of it to a smooth roll that has her come up with a solid wooden bat that had been set aside for potential use.
Behind her Linda can hear "Declaration: Oh No." and then a crash as the load in Robot Boy's hands over balances and sends him to the floor under it. Followed by "Declaration: I am unharmed."
By the time Adom has finished that statement Linda is almost at the spot where the control unit is hidden behind the wall plate.
[BR: quick ruling that people can declare a "no damage past Movement" against foes with passive defenses have a better chance of throwing, knocking down, discommoding or unbalancing them. This means Linda's 'attack' on Robot Boy needs a Full rather than a Superior success, which she makes with a roll of 10. We're counting the weight set as a scrounged weapon, so she does 2d8 (roll) 12 points of Movement to Robot Boy. This doesn't really _do_ anything - he has 50 movement and it's almost the end of the round - but it captures the effect. All told this costs Linda another 15 movement, she has 25 remaining.]
- 1: Metal Lass**
[BR: Diane, you're up. Linda has quickly spotted the thin metal veneer you placed over the control cubby, is there with a wooden bat, and you're not allowed to do anything to the control unit (like say, put another thick layer of metal over it). Your opponent is battered and has been jumping and running around like mad, maybe she's off balance enough for you to be able to properly entangle but she sure looks like she's ready. Alternately, your martial arts might let you throw her back away if you can get some leverage.]
Metal Lass leaps toward Linda and spins, grabbing at the far end of the baseball bat.
[DK: Linda is holding a lever — let’s see if a momentum advantage can knock her off balance]
[BR: and in a (cecks math) 1 in 400 chance, Diane rolls another 1!]
Once she has a hold of the baseball bat there's a yank which Linda instinctively counters and then Dolar flows into that force to move with the bat forward, past Linda, levering the Terran up and over with her own strength. Linda has a moment of two meters of clearance between her and the ground before she hits with a disorienting thud.
Again, everyone on the stand visible winces. Surly this…?
[BR: that's 24 movement damage and Disorentiation. But since Linda ends the round with 1 (1!) movement there's no additional effects.]
Round 2
- 16: Earth Child**
[BR: New round, new movement score, Linda's at 16 HP, 62 Vitality and 66 Movement. She is Disoriented this action (Character's even Fighting attacks are reduced by one level; Even Fighting attacks against character Boosted by 1 level); because this is a condition caused by someone of a higher Power level she needs a Superior success on an Endurance check to recover. That's a 7 or less for her, and the die comes up a 7, so she'll be fine in a second.]
[BR: Beth, because Linda has a sight speed edge over Metal Lass you'll be able to take a shot before she starts flowing again and makes it almost impossible for you to hit her while disoriented. And while Metal Lass is between her and the remote, it's well within reach. ]
[EC: Rules said not to hurt the opponents, and Metal Lass is likely a glass cannon, so not a good person to attack while I'm not at my best. Let's just go for the remote. (I'm assuming Metal Lass launched her by letting go of the bat; if not, she'll snatch up anything else not metallic.)
Linda feints towards Metal Lass, backs off, hits the metal layer lightly to determine where there's some give (doesn't want to damage the remote) and then reverses the bat and drives the skinny end in, trying to poke a hole in the cover. If she does so, she immediately tosses the bat to her other hand, plunges a hand in and reaches for the remote. If she can just shut down the exercise, she will; she's gonna have bruises tomorrow already. If not, on defense until she can pull out the remote and figure out how to operate it.
If she can't penetrate the metal layer, well, this is where she needs to be for next try.
[BR: You'd have to roll really well to KO her on one shot, but yes, it's possible for you to do so. Still it speaks well of her that she's not wildly swinging a bat while disoriented. I'm going to call for a general fighting check regardless to get past her and smash the wall. The die roll is a 6, which is a Superior success dropped to a Full Success due to the Disorientation but that's still good enough.]
Metal Lass is slightly shocked _despite_ knowing what she knows about Terrans to see Linda roll up and swing the bat in her direction. She flows back out the way of the wild attack, and then sees the feint for what it was a second too late. Linda's hand plunges into the hole in the wall and comes out with the remote.
Linda yanks out the remote and sees Metal Lass, Robot Boy, and Proty all arrayed to subdue her just as the button clicks and a buzzer goes off.
- 16: Metal Lass**
Metal Lass finishes the bout as she began it, with a formal bow, this time flavored with the form denoting satisfaction with a pupil/rival/opponent at the completion of a trial.
“My congratulations, Linda Cook. You managed that even faster than I had predicted."
Page 9 Top: Mr. Music. Diskette
As Superboy is off on his test, Patin leads Ode into the hastily arrange meeting with Mr. Ranzz, Linda Cook's employer and the father of the children that Mr. Music and Linda rescued during the pirate attack.
"Thanks for seeing me on such short notice," he says, and Ode can hear the truth of that in this voice, but there's a counterpoint that indicates that people of Mr. Ranzz's wealth pretty much assume anyone is going to take a meeting with them.
"I was hoping I could interest the Legion in a… problem that LGN Consolidated, our company, has inherited."
"A few months back. Station Salem Zero is a 150-year-old, generational family facility that mined rare elements from the proto-planets of Salem System; The founding families are on their 8th generation, and the community contracts with outside agents to provide advanced equipment and transport of the mined materials for sale."
He calls up a holo of the station, a classic spike and ring design tethered to a mercury-sized mass with a beanstalk elevator, which itself has a sizable installation on it. The system around it is full of asteroidal debris and several similar planetoids.
"Ranzz just acquired the contract from GBK Distributed, only to find out that there's a political issue on the station that's caused violent unrest. GBK had been pushing for accelerated mining, deeper mining, cutting safety levels…" Mr. Ranzz glances over at Patin, "The usual idiocy from people looking for short term profit over generational growth. LGN returned normal schedules, we're updating the safety equipment, but the native religious faction at the center of the unrest is continuing the violence. They won't even give the local Science Police a clear explanation of what they _want_."
The frustration in Ranzz's voice is clear to Ode, even if the businessman is good at hiding it, "This is a very minor part of the LGN portfolio, and we could just cut ties/ We will if it will end the violence. But Salem Zero needs _someone_ so be filling this service, and I don't want to pass this problem along to someone else without knowing I did all I could to stop people from getting hurt."
"I've seen first hand what your new team can do. I was hoping you could visit Salem Zero and see if you could look into things."
[BR: My intent is that Diskette lead a team with the 4 new members, t counter-balance who was on the last mission to the 20th Century and show off the new PCs.]