Mr. Merriman

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Revision as of 23:19, 11 March 2012 by Mneme (talk | contribs)

The guy in the basement of the British Museum who's been there for 50 years. He knows it all, but you must bring something to trade for his information.

  • Soprhonia gave him some manuscript or other that she's sure that the Kerberos Club won't notice is missing. (Was this for the Haunted House or for the Dragon in the Smoke adventure? I think the latter.)
  • In the Profane Miracles adventure, she told him about the Judas Dagger in return for information about Uriah Clarence's magical helmet. Mr. Merriman would be quite interested in acquiring the dagger itself.
  • In Dead Man's Hand, Victor gave him a bottle of Fatalix and an explanation of what it did.