Queen Victoria Goes to War with the Fae
Narrative inevitablilty
I havbe a plan
Im not so sure about your plan and I dont know abouty that letter
Its not so much a new plan as another stage in the The Plan
Your father didn't give you a bnday part y like that
thanks goodness
did your father give you a party at all?
If I do this to him is it out of period?
Oh father, we've found you a friend
Right, better clothes. And date. WE CAQN do this
you are so lucky im hleping S help alice help vaness cuz otherwise id be help[ing you
It's about time for him to be a little more out
Intereting choice of words
I'm sorry Ive been ouyted as a decent man. Whill you still have me?
Id have you even if you were ACTUALLY A DECENT MAN
You dontenjoy invading faerie to take down an evil king whos possesing a friend of outs?
I do. I wd just rather party than plan it.
Op-er-a-tin-aql se-cur-i-tyt, all caps periods
Who caresw? I'm curious.
Do you know victor thats a little outside my skill set
Victor wd you like me to get you a thousand feet of spider silik
Do you know father, not everyone with ytour talents has your good sense as well.
It's cvomplicated
theres a war on i understand that
I buess its not that comlictaed
I wish top know nothing about it
you wont be coming?
I think you r foamnce at the wedding woudl be far too0 appropriate
Perhaps campiooon will show up
havbe a nive time dear
Even campion not showing up as it is more scandalous if alice remains elatively pure