Helen Mayweather

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Revision as of 20:20, 15 December 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs)
Helen Mayweather
26 years old

Str 10
Con 12
Dex 13
Pow 14
Siz 10
Int 15
Edu 15
App 14

Hp: 11
Luck: 70
San 77
Idea 75
Know 75

Age 25

Accounting 10
Anthropology 4
Archaeology 1
Art 5
Astronomy 1
Bargain 5
Biology 1
Chemistry 51
Climb 43
Conceal 15
Craft 5
Credit rating 28
Cthulhu mythos 8
Disguise 1
Dodge 33
Drive 40
Electric repair 10
Fast talk 75
First aid 32
Geology 1
Hide 50
History 31
Jump 25
Law 25
Library use 62
Listen 72
Locksmith 52
Martial arts 1
Mech repair 20
Medicine 5
Natural history 10
Navigate 14
Occult 13
Opr hvy Mach 1
Other language 1
Other language - Arabic 36
Spanish 15
English 75
Persuade 30
Pharmacy 1
Photography 70
Physics 1
Pilot 1
Psychoanalysis 1
Psychology 84
Ride 5
Sneak 78
Spot hidden 97
Survival - jungle 2
Swim 30
Throw 25
Track 10

Handgun 70
Machine gun 15
Rifle 25
Shotgun 30
Smg 15
Fist 50
Kick 25

Occ skills 300
General skills 150

Dream sending spell
Candle talking spell