A Duel at Dawn
I would note that George has not actually asked for any help on this.... That's not going to stop you, is it?
S:Perhaps if I tell everyone that he's a really good guy... So, how is courting Angelina going?
A: So, you're trying to get him to make a thirty-foot equivalent of Mr. Knight?
S: Perhaps he won't be able to move as fast,
Is there anything to prevent, say, a pigeon from stepping on this?
I will build pigeon traps!
Herman gets a fate point.
Alice will prob not hit me again
Unless you do something similarly stupid
Alice will prob hit me again
I can't believe _I'm_ in charge of running the circus. Where did I go _wrong_?
Was it not a good idea?
That's not the point?
I hope I don't create another villain.
Gre-Reginald ---
Reginald! The Walls have Ears!
Only if you write it down for me.
There are a lot of elements on the list
I agree, and that is why I want you to write it down
As long as it doesn't involve a recipe
Victor has it occurred to you that our friends are not carriage horses
Good -- when shall we leave?
I would point out that Victor said it first, which is appropriate.
Then you'll merely be friends. However will you cope?
Don't ask George that question.
Lord Mace is not allowed to try to find an answer to that question.
Science! I know you're having a very bad day!
This is not how we deal with complication!
I'd like one!
A Daguerreotype of yourself.
Mr. Merriman has drawing of the ruby.
Wow, there were so many ways you could have handled that better. That was wonderful!
Oh gd lord what has George done?(FP?)
Hey now! Also, I don't have fingerprints.
Trivialprobem to solve
Not a triv problem
Did you accept?
Of course!
You do know that duels are illegal.
I don'tthink that's very fair. He's a kerberean.
He is a budding supervillain. I should point this out.
On our side.
As a fellow svillain, I should pull him back.
What, are you also going to add sharks?
Laser sharks!
You know, if you ask Merril nicely enough....
Were you planning to marry the lady before the trip to Africa?
The thought had crossed my mind.
But if it make things easier, I can go ask if she's up for marriage.
We can't have rumors flying around about good if eccentric gentlemen
What's a little eccentricism among friends
Which reminds me I miss your aunt
I'll leave her a note!
Sorry for bollixing things up with your father. (carot) I enjoy your company. Will you marry me? -V.
He's so very annoying. Yes. Will bring priest to hospital tomorrow. -A.
The first note is better.
So I write a third note...
You know, the first one is you.
I'm still not speaking to you, by the way