Electra Ellis

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats


Duty d4 "Duty only gets in the way"

Glory d4 "Is the mirror of fear"

Justice d4 "Is how people justify doing what they want"

Love d10 "Love is something you build, not something you find."

Power d4 "is a means to an end"

Truth d12 "Don't pry into my secrets, I won't pry into yours."



  • Brownian Motion: 2d12 -- A coffee shop hangout near the University
    • Specialties: Community Center, Home Base
  • Einstein Ellis's Lab: 2d4
    • Comfort, Science!


  • Artemis Raine [Bookstore Owner] (dated) 2d4
    • Research, Owns a Truck


Bo d10: "Bo thinks I don't know how special she is"

Sandy Spade d4 "is always asking annoying questions"

Laura Jones d4 "is a good customer"

Sophia Byrne d6 "is very talented"

Einstein Ellis, famous inventor, suspected supervillain: Father: d8: "Dad doesn't think I live up to my potential"



  • Genius: d12
    • Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you've studied a subject and know its basics
    • Earn a Plot Point and Add a d6 to Trouble when you assume others can't follow your complicated thinking
    • Spend a Plot Point to Reroll any academic or intellectual roll
  • Wealthy: d12
    • Spend a Plot Point to Reroll one die in a Contest or Test swayable by money
    • Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you own a large non-unique item such as a car, call center, or evil corporation as a d8 Useful Detail
    • Add a d8 to the Trouble pool to Increase your Insecure or Afraid Stress pool when bringing up your vast fortune in a Contest or Test
  • Family Reputation: d4
    • Earn a Plot Point and Give your opposition a d6 when your family reputation precedes you.


Gear: Lightning Gun d6

Effect: Attack
Descriptor: Lightning
Limit: Gear
Special Effects:
Create an electric pulse to disable an electromagnetic device within the scene

Gear: "Power" Suit d6 (a two piece suit that causes its wearer, when activated, to look misty)

Effect: Defense
Descriptor: Field generating clothing
Limit: Gear
Special Effects:
Spend a plot point to pass through a solid object

History/Life Path



Duty d4

Glory d4

Justice d4

Love d4

Power d4

Truth d6


Bellamy Bo (Avram): d6

Sandy Spade (Lisa): d4

Laura Jones (Gaylord) d4

Sophia Byrne (Beth): d6

Extra (Resources)


Origin: Gifted
Think about:
What was your gift? Music? Math? Art? Science? Running at three hundred miles an hour?
Did your parents lovingly nurture your gifts, or were you made to feel ashamed of what you could do?
Can you remember how you first realized you were exceptional?
Electra showed signs of genius at a young age, reinventing branches of mathematics from looking over her father's books and, while playing with her father's stuff, inventing an early prototype of a lightning gun out of parts as a pre-teen. Her father always challenged and nurtured her gifts, but was often absent while he was at "work". But Electra learned an important lesson from her studies -- as long as she drove herself toward the truth, the truth would never fail her.
Step up Truth x 2 (Truth goes from d4 to d8)
NEW Distinction: Genius: d4
NEW Ability (Gear): Lightning Gun
+Assset (Genius): d6


Location: Brownian Motion: 2d4 (Original name: Grounds for Divorce)


Where did you find comfort? A favorite hiding spot? A library of books? Pets?
Just what was it that pushed you beyond loner and made you an Outsider?
What kinds of conflicts have developed between yourself and others in your surroundings: family, neighbors, classmates, etc.?
Step Up Genius: Genius d6
Step Up Location: Brownian Motion: 2d6
Step Up Gear: Lightning Gun d6


Baba Byrne {Sophia's grandmother): (Accepted funding from): d4 (extra)


New Gear: "Power" Suit d4 -- an electrically power armor that looks like a piece of
Step up Genius: Genius d8
Step up Genius: Genius d10



Step up: Truth
New Distinction: Wealthy d4
Step Up: Brownian Motion: 2d8
Step Up: Genius d12

Life-Changing Event

Rename coffee shop from Grounds for Divorce to Brownian Motion


Step up Love x2 d8
Step up Love d10
New Distinction: Family Reputation d4
Step up Relationship: Bo: d8
Step up Relationship: Bo: d10
Step up Extra: Einstein Ellis: d6
Step up Distinction: wealthy: d6


Location: Dad's Lab: d4


Step up Truth: d12
Step up distinction: Wealthy d8
Step up Brownian Motion: 2d10

Modus Operandai


Step up Duty d6
Step up Relationship: Einstein Ellis d8
Step up Relationship: Sophia Byrne: d6


The World

Step up value: Power d6
Step up anything: Wealthy: D10


  • Drop (Pay off) Debt to Baba Byrne
  • Step up: Brownian Motion: 2d12

The Specialist:

Power Suit: d6
Step Up Distinction: Wealth: D12

Personal RMAP

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