Finishing Touches

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats

Rookies Only

There are a couple of things you only do for a Rookie campaign, because Rookies skip the last few steps of the Pathway:

  • Get Three Value Step-Ups: The Priority, Modus Operandi, and Motivation steps each involve stepping up a Value. You skipped those steps, but that doesn't mean you don't feel passionately about things! Step up one Value by three steps, or three Values by one step each, or one Value by two steps and another by one.
  • Label Arrows to Other Lead Squares: If you went through the whole Pathway, you did this in the Identity step. If you're Rookies, you skipped that step.


  • Name: Make sure you have a name for your character! (Seriously, the book actually has this under "Finishing Touches". How did you label your square on the map if you didn't have a name? "Bob's PC"?)
  • Appearance: Describe your character's visual appearance. Maybe figure out which actor plays your character in the show. Wikipedia can help:
  • Vital Statistics: Age, hometown, current city, occupation, education. All the basic biographical stuff that shows up on your Facebook page.
  • Drive Statements: Every Value and Relationship needs a statement that summarizes how your Lead sees those things. (Remember: Relationships are your connections to Features, not Extras.) Keep in mind that statements can be ironic. For example, a high Truth Value can mean that you put a lot of effort into seeking out the truth, or that you put effort into keeping the truth hidden. A high Duty can mean you're strongly driven to perform your duty, or to avoid it. See Statement Ideas if you're having trouble thinking of some.
  • Ability Special Effects: If you haven't already picked a Special Effect for each of your Abilities, do that now. Don't worry if you don't feel like you've got enough of these; you can add them in play with Growth.