Kara Swann
From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Description: Blond
- Careful: +0
- Clever: +1
- Flashy: +3
- Forceful: +2
- Quick: +1
- Sneaky: +1
- High Concept: Cab Driver Valkyrie
- Trouble: Oh, come on, I'm immortal
- It's worth looking out for Kelly.
- I'm always armed.
- Birds talk to me.
- Because I'm an immortal Valkyrie, once per session, I can come back from the dead.
- Because I am an ancient warrior, I get a +2 when I Flashily Attack with Viking weapons.
Mantle: Einherjar (1) (Chromed as Young Valkyrie or the like)
Refresh: 3