Kid Guardian

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Playbook: The Legacy
Real Name: Avery Alcedo
Look: Ambiguous gender, Middle Eastern, comfortable clothing, traditional costume, no insignia
Abilities: Divine armor, magic weaponry, mythic might, legendary speed, god-like beauty
Special Moves: I know what I am; Words of the past; Never give up, never surrender; Fight the good fight; Legacy move (Whenever time passes)
Pronouns: they/their (AMAB, not that that's any of your business!)

Current Values

As of end of session, 20 Nov 2019

  • Danger: 0
  • Freak: -1
  • Savior: +3
  • Superior: +3
  • Mundane: -2
  • Potential: 0
  • Conditions: none

Backstory Questions

  • When did you officially become a part of your legacy? About a year ago.
  • What’s the greatest accomplishment of your legacy? Stormbringer repelling an alien invasion as part of Silver Shield back in the 1980s.
  • How does the public perceive your legacy? Positively, as protectors.
  • How does your legacy tie into your reasons for being a hero? It's an obligation, but also an honor.
  • Why do you care about the team? It's an opportunity for me to have a team of my own.