Malik ibn Mahumud ibn Sallah al-Qahiri

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats


Malik ibn Mahmud ibn Sallah al-Qahiri (feedback on improving the accuracy of Egyptian naming conventions welcome)


  • HC: Rebel archeologist
  • Trouble: It’s always a mad scramble
  • Call to Action: Correcting the mistakes of the past
  • War Story: Overeducated street rat
  • Joined the group: Leading practitioner of applied mythology


  • Brawler (Athletics, Fight, Provoke, Will)
  • Ninja (Athletics, Alertness, Fight, Stealth)
  • Saboteur (Burglary, Gadgetry, Knowledge, Stealth)


  • Great (+4) Athletics
  • Good (+3) Awareness
  • Fair (+2) Fight, Knowledge, Stealth
  • Average (+1) Burglary, Gadgetry, Provoke, Will


  • Brawler: Opportunistic dodge. When you succeed with style on an athletics roll to defend against an opponent’s Fight roll, you trick them into putting themselves at a disadvantage. You get to attach a situation aspect such as bewildered, off balance, or restrained to your opponent with a free invoke, instead of just a boost. You also automatically inflict a 1-stress hit. (This is borrowed from Dazing Counter, Fate Core, pg 98. I added the 1-stress hit because I’ve found that the difference between a boost and an aspect with a free invoke is just a little weak).
  • Brawler: I’ve got them surrounded. Mooks organized into mobs don’t get the usual teamwork bonus when they attack you (but they still get it to defend against you). (This is the Send More Mooks stunt, renamed).
  • Ninja: It’s a Trap! +1 to alertness rolls to detect a trap or ambush before it goes off. Also, you may always roll Alertness to detect a trap or ambush, even if the situation you would normally require another skill such as Burglary, Gadgetry, Insight, or Knowledge.
  • Saboteur: Archeologist. +2 to knowledge checks relating to archaeology

Refresh: 2


  • Mental [ ] [ ] [ ]
  • Physical [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]