Peter O'Connor
From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
- Peter O'Connor
- Jesuit Priest/Ex WWI Vet
- Male
- 46 years old
- Colleges, Degrees
- Limerick, Ireland
- Str: 11
- Con: 8
- Siz: 12
- Dex: 12
- App: 16
- San: 58
- Int: 14
- Pow: 7
- Edu: 21
- Idea: 70
- Luck: 35
- Know: 105
- 99-Cthulhu Mythos: 9
- Damage Bonus: n/a
Changable Stats
- Sanity Points: 43
- Magic Points:
- Hit Points: 10
Indefinite insanity: OCD
Contact Nyralathotep
Create Zombie
Smite for God
Time Trap
Investigator Skills
- Accounting (10%)
- Anthropology (1%)
- Archeology(1%)
- Art(5%) (specify):
- Art(5%) (specify):
- Astronomy(1%):
- Bargain (5%):
- Biology (1%):
- Chemistry(1%):
- Climb(40%):
- Conceal(15%):
- Craft(01%, specialize):
- Credit Rating(15%): 90
- Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 6
- Disguise (01%):
- Dodge (Dex x 2): 75
- Drive Auto (20%):
- Electrical Repair (10%):
- Fast Talk (5%):
- First Aid: (30%): 76
- Geology (1%):
- Hide(10%): 60
- History (20%): 58
- Jump (%25)
- Law (5%)
- Library Use(25%): 91
- Listen (25%): 73
- Locksmith (1%)
- Martial Arts (1%)
- Mechanical Repair (20%): 40
- Medicine (5%)
- Natural History (10%)
- Navigate (10%): 15%
- Occult (5%)
- Operate Heavy Machinery (1%)
- Other Language, Hindi 7
- Other Language, Latin 67
- Other Language, Gaelic 70
- Other Language, Spanish 43
- Own Language (EDU x 5)
- Persuade (15%): 72
- Pharmacy (1%)
- Photography (10%)
- Physics (1%)
- Pilot (1%) (specialize)
- Psychoanalysis (1%)
- Psychology (5%): 61
- Ride (5%)
- Sneak (10%)
- Spot Hidden (25%): 47
- Swim (25%) 28
- Throw (25%)
- Track (10%)
- Handguns (20%): 32
- Machine Gun (15%)
- Rifle (25%): 83
- Shotgun (30%)
- Submachine Gun (15%)
Hand To Hand Weapons
- Fist/Punch (50%) 1d3+db 1/rd
- Head Butt (10%) 1d4+db 1/rd
- Kick (25%) 1d6+db 1/rd
- Grapple (25%) 39 special 1/rd