School Moves

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
When you put an ear out for school gossip, name it and roll + Mundane. On a hit, the GM will share the juiciest rumor bouncing around the school or the most relevant rumor regarding a person or topic of your choice. On a 10+, you may ask a follow-up question. On a miss, the rumors you hear are about you, and they aren’t good; the GM will shift your Labels appropriately.
Masks: Unbound, page(s) 82

The Academic Move

This is a two-part move. It's designed for Phoenix Academy, which is a school for superheroes. For a regular school, I'd probably drop the Danger tests, or make them football-related.

At the start of the session, if the time has come to prove your worthiness, the GM tells you what test looms on the horizon. The GM chooses one Label that reflects a test or project assigned by the faculty to the students on the team.

Mundane tests include group projects where being part of a team is important. (Fall play, history presentation, science project)
Superior tests include individual tests where performance is down to what one character knows or does. (AP finals, midterms, SATs)
Savior tests include outreach projects where students must learn to value the normal citizens of Halcyon City. (Donation drive, fund raising, tutoring)
Danger tests include learning how to handle threats and proper control of powers. (Mock combats, obstacle courses, rooms full of danger)
Freak tests include pushing your powers to their limit. (Faculty duels, stress tests, Student Olympics)

Masks: Unbound, page(s) 83
At the end of the session, each player rolls + the named Label. The team may choose to spend Team on each roll as per the normal rules to help each other; referencing flashbacks to study sessions or other activities is perfectly appropriate and encouraged. On a hit, you pass the test. On a 10+, you passed with flying colors! Mark 1 potential or shift up the test’s Label and down any other Label, your choice. On a 7-9, you did all right, but had to sacrifice something to make the cut. Choose one:

You disappointed an adult. Give an adult Influence over you.
You sacrificed your social life. Give a teammate or NPC Influence out of guilt.
You lost a responsibility. Someone who had invested in you no longer believes you can do what they had asked of you. The GM will tell you who, and which responsibility.
You hurt your academic standing. The first time you choose this, your grades are falling. The second time, you are on probation. The third time, you are expelled.
On a miss, you blew it, hard, and the faculty and people who care about you will come down on you. Prepare yourself.

Masks: Unbound, page(s) 84