Kerberos 01/30/2012
Victor tried to find out how long Abraham Tallow had been drugging horses for Lord Dashingham, and did this by bribing Tallow's boys, but then stole back the money, though not the purse, hoping they'd fight amongst themselves. The Lip confronted him, asking what game Campion was playing. Victor assured the Lip that it was all Victor's doing, and that Tallow was not going to be in a position to bother anyone. The Lip suggested Campion steer clear of the streets for a while.
Victor: Power vacuum?
This was correct. Victor also enlisted The Lip and his gang to locate John Murray.
Sophronia visited Cousin Talos and his maker, Leon, and found Leon with a man named Herman, making mechanical legs. Herman doesn't quite approve of Sophronia, and doesn't want her telling anyone about the two anachronists' activities. Sophronia wonders if she will get more cousins.
Esther Rose was not pleased that Alice had gone to the races -- without her! So, Alice invited her to a seance.
Uriah Clarence passed away following a heart attack, apparently. His original doctor, Dr. Butler, was on vacation. The second doctor, recommended by Victor, had taken ill. So, he was attended by a third doctor, a more or less competent, but not wealthy doctor, open to bribery and corruption.
Victor managed to acquire the body, while Sophronia enlisted the services of the medium Dominick Creahador to do a seance. Abraham did not approve, but did attend.
Lincoln: Budget for entertainment, ghost stories, illusionist.
You are always memorable, Victor.
Yes, Abraham, that's why it's called a disguise.
Find third doctor.
John Pertwee?
Poker Game Aftermath
Marquess and poison to track down
Victor: search Dr. Butler's place
New Minion, er, helper: Michael Doyle
Power vacuum -- Tallow
Turk en route to England
Victor took Clarence corpse
Abraham expense account
Lady Dashingham