Life-Changing Event

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats

On the Map Sheet

  1. Either draw an arrow from your square to an existing circle or diamond, or draw a new circle or diamond and draw an arrow to it from your square. In either case, label the arrow.
  2. Draw an arrow from anywhere back to any Lead square, and label it. (If one of your fellow players left an Extra, Location, or Feature without a connection back to their own Lead square, this step gives you an opportunity to define that connection for them.)
  3. Optional: Swap out any Relationship or Resource (Extra or Location) on your sheet for a new one at the same die rating, drawing and labeling an arrow to a new shape as appropriate.
  4. Optional: Remove any d4 Relationship or 2d4 Resource and step up another Relationship or Resource.
  5. Any single circle that has arrows going to it from two different squares becomes a double circle. That means it's been upgraded from an Extra to a Feature. The players who have that Extra listed on their sheets under Resources move it to Relationships, and it goes from having two dice to one die.

On Your Character Sheet

Pick one of: Advancement, Tragedy, Power Manifestation, First Contact, Destiny.


  1. Think about:
    • Was this something you saw coming and had been working toward for years?
    • Did you wake up one morning find yourself in the right place at the right time?
    • Who or what recognized your potential and bestowed this endorsement upon you?
  2. Either step up Glory and Power by one step each, or step up one of them by two steps.
  3. Step up a Value of your choice.
  4. Add a new Distinction (recommended: Connected, Manipulative, or Vicious), or step up a Distinction or Heritage.
  5. Step up a Location.
  6. Step up two Relationships (with Features or other Leads) or step up one Relationship twice.
  7. Step up a Relationship (with another Lead or a Feature), an Asset (an Ability, Distinction or Heritage), or a Resource (an Extra or a Location).
  8. If you're playing a Rookie game, you're done. Move on to Finishing Touches. If you're going to be playing with more advanced characters, go on to After the Event. Pick any one.


  1. Think about:
    • Did someone close to you die suddenly? How did it change your life?
    • Did you yourself suffer from a serious illness or injury?
    • What were the circumstances that surrounded your misfortune?
  2. Either step up Justice and Love by one step each, or step up one of them by two steps.
  3. Step up a Value of your choice.
  4. Add a new Distinction (recommended: Family Reputation, Guilty, or Vicious), or step up a Distinction or Heritage.
  5. Step up two Relationships (with Features or other Leads) or step up one Relationship twice.
  6. Step up an Extra.
  7. Step up a Relationship (with another Lead or a Feature), an Asset (an Ability, Distinction or Heritage), or a Resource (an Extra or a Location).
  8. If you're playing a Rookie game, you're done. Move on to Finishing Touches. If you're going to be playing with more advanced characters, go on to After the Event. Pick any one.

Power Manifestation

  1. Think about:
    • Where were you and how were you exposed?
    • What changes manifest themselves and are they a direct result of the circumstances of your exposure?
    • What keeps you from losing control? Are there special people in your life that give you moral support or is there something you need to do to stay in control?
  2. Step up Power.
  3. Step up any Value twice or any two Values once.
  4. Add an Ability.
  5. Step up an Ability, Distinction, or Heritage.
  6. Step up a Distinction or Heritage.
  7. Step up two Locations or step up one Location twice.
  8. If you're playing a Rookie game, you're done. Move on to Finishing Touches. If you're going to be playing with more advanced characters, go on to After the Event. Pick any one.

First Contact

  1. Think about:
    • When you made first contact, had you been searching for it? Or had it been searching for you?
    • Why do you think it happened to you? Did it reveal a skeleton in the family closet?
    • What did you learn from this experience and how has it changed your outlook on life, the universe, and everything?
  2. Either step up Duty and Truth by one step each, or step up one of them by two steps.
  3. Step up a Value of your choice.
  4. Add a new Distinction (recommended: Extraterrestrial Knowledge, On a Mission, or In Over Your Head), Gear, or Heritage.
  5. Step up three Relationships (with Features or other Leads), or step up one Relationship by two steps and another by one, or step up one Relationship three times.
  6. Step up a Resource (an Extra or a Location).
  7. If you're playing a Rookie game, you're done. Move on to Finishing Touches. If you're going to be playing with more advanced characters, go on to After the Event. Pick any one.


  1. Think about:
    • What is your destiny? How did you learn about it?
    • Was it something you embraced, or have you resisted it?
    • How does knowledge of your Destiny change the way you live your life?
  2. Step up Duty.
  3. Step up any Value twice or any two Values once.
  4. Add a new Distinction (recommended: Daring, On a Mission, or In Willful), Heritage, or Ability.
  5. Step up a Resource (an Extra or a Location).
  6. Step up two Relationships (with Features or other Leads) or step up one Relationship twice.
  7. Step up a Relationship (with another Lead or a Feature), an Asset (an Ability, Distinction or Heritage), or a Resource (an Extra or a Location).
  8. If you're playing a Rookie game, you're done. Move on to Finishing Touches. If you're going to be playing with more advanced characters, go on to After the Event. Pick any one.