Shadow of the Century PT, 2015

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats

GM: User:Lula


Character Name Player Name Archetypes Aspects Refresh
Marietta Lagos User:Mneme Brain, Detective, Leader HC: Librarian Detective, Trouble: Finding Conspiracies Everywhere, Call to Action: I Just can't leave things alone, War stories: Every Library is an Arsenal, Joined the group: I almost understand the magic emerald Malik gave me 3
Peter Jensen User:Lisa "Wheel", Warrior, Chopper HC: Spirit of the Road, Trouble: Every Young Punk Wants to Challenge Me, CtA: My Motorcycle has a mind of its own, WS: Pretty Cool for an old guy, JtG: I'm bankrolling this, Motorcycle HC: Doof Cycle, Motorcycle Trouble: Possessed by Sleipnir 2
Malik ibn Mahumud ibn Sallah al-Qahiri User:Alden Brawler, Ninja, Saboteur HC:Rebel Archeologogist, Trouble: Overeducated street rat, Call to Action:Correcting the mistakes of the past, War Story: It's always a mad scramble, Joined the group:Leading practitioner of applied mythology 2
Lucy Li User:Dancesthroughlife Brawler, Soldier, Hacker HC: Hacker, Musician, Assassin, Trouble: Problems with Authority, CtA: Everyone is awesome. Find how and encourage it, War Stories: Unfulfilled Contract, Joined the Group: 36th Chamber

Synth HC: This Machine Kills... Everyone trouble: Doesn't shoot real bullets|| 3